I am a non-drinker - alcoholism. But one I drink when I go out is my "No-tell Cocktail".
on ice
Orange juice
Club Soda
3 or 4 dashes Bitters
Lime twist
wifey and i were basically non-drinkers whilst in the dubland fantasy.
now we drink an occasional glass of wine or pina colada.. we're not very imaginative with it.
i know some understand the fruit of the vine well [like our buddy in oz, ozzie] and others enjoy mixed drinks.. which ones - and how do you make 'em?.
I am a non-drinker - alcoholism. But one I drink when I go out is my "No-tell Cocktail".
on ice
Orange juice
Club Soda
3 or 4 dashes Bitters
Lime twist
to all you experts (men of course) .
we have a gas bbq fitted with a lid, now i think the food should be cooked with the lid open cos i think with it shut , it just steams the food.
my hubby insists it should be kept closed when cooking cos it loses the heat.
And from a woman.... lid ON. Kevan does most of the grilling, on our little webber gas grill. Lid on. I'm more skilled with charcoal... again, lid on. There are some times when it's lid-off, but that is when you only want to sear the surface closest to the grill keeping the rest of the meat cool.
yesterday something happened that really pissed me off.
i was walking out of a store that has two doors you have to walk through... the inner door and the outer door.
basically a small foyer.. as i'm going through the inner door i notice a woman is behind be so i go on through and hold the door for her... she went right on through without a word and then went through the outer door, pushed it open and then let it fly back into my face.
What EllieJ said! I will hold the door for anyone, and thank any one who holds the door for me. It's simply common courtesy. Sadly, something that is lacking in many people.
interesting little flashy thingie, toolie on usa today (see how professional i sound?).
interesting results in new york.... where the world wide headquarters of jws resides... .
"Saying that atheism is a religion is like saying not collecting stamps is a hobby."
But I'm a non-stamp collector... you saying I ain't got a hobby? <grin>
interesting little flashy thingie, toolie on usa today (see how professional i sound?).
interesting results in new york.... where the world wide headquarters of jws resides... .
Religion? I have no passions for any organized school of thought. And inspite of the minor controversy, Athiesm can be considered a religion, especially when the athiest is passionate and into proving their point. Even Alcoholics Annonomous can be considered a religion.
Spirituality is a different matter.
Even though I believe in The Christ, I consider myself a pagan/panthiest by label who belives in the ultimate "Oneness" of everything.
It has taken me the last 30 years' journey being OUT of the bOrg to come up with my own understanding. Since coming to JWD a couple years ago, I've been challenged to my beliefs, torn them apart, tossed out the stuff that no longer fits, and put them back together again. Something I think is important to do every now and again.
'adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu'
no not another swansong, i'm just off to cyprus in the morning with the family, see you all in a couple of weeks.. nic'.
Have a fantastic holiday, Nic! Be safe.
gus_gus, mouthy's daughter and my aunt, asked me to post this for mouthy and nathan.
grace i don't know how you are doing this but every picture i see of you makes you look younger and younger.
That shirt is just too cool! And so is the beautiful woman wearing it. Or... should I say hot?
recently, i was sat here at my computer, feeling completely hopeless.
life was getting me down, and a few recent bombshells dropped on me were taking me further into the ground.
i asked myself how i could possibly let this happen to my life, how i could find myself in this position..
That is really powerful, (((FMZ))). That's a great daily affirmation/mantra.
Like Satanus (Hi!<waves hand>) I disagree with this:
My life is not my own.
This feels better
My life is my own.
just to let you all know why i won't be able to post for some time...i am finally getting in to the hospital for a much-needed operation that kept being postponed.
i have been back and forth to three different hospitals and various doctor's offices for tests, x-rays, consults and then more pre-op tests and x-rays.
(i have never heard of "nuclear testing before now...i wondered if they were going to send me to nasa!
(((( Annie )))) I'm holding you in light today. love and hugs and healing.
this mask keeps me from moving as they give radiation to me.
this machine is the spherical cat scan that they use to plan treatment.
i get to keep the mask when it's all done!
Ooooo way kewl mask! I suppose they won't let you keep the cat scanner, eh? That's ok. We have 4 cats that do a good job of it here.
Hugs and blessings.