Yeah, we had fun! It was pretty awesome seeing that NeWT go up in confetti. Seven006 would have been dissappointed, not enough paper of any size to roll a joint! One pellet shot Jehovah right through the first H.
JoinedPosts by BrendaCloutier
Beware the Orygun Apostate Militia
by unclebruce inbreck meets new world translation:.
link: orygun apostate militia (aka big willy's gun club)
alt link:
Anyone else in PUTERNUT's shoes? Despairing? COME TO US!
by AlmostAtheist inhey guys,.
listen, we were all "brothers" and "sisters" at one time and it didn't really mean shit.
i'd've turned my back on the lot o' ya when i was a jw and i found out you were apostates.. but now we're all truly brothers and sisters.
Interesting this should pop to the top... I came across Ary's email addy and phone number on my own puter a couple days ago. With deep regrets I deleted it. I never met him in person, but we were hoping to meet up the summer just before he left us. Shit.
Hey Scoob, nice Greek dog! hehee.
Nice to see you, too ;)
Have you heard this one-the end is very close, maybe 2 years
by sspo inmy good witness friend was trying to encourage me spiritually and this is what's being speculated among the witnesses.
how long was adam alone before eve was created, well at least 31 years so far.
1975 was the end of 6000 years of man's existence.. from 1975 to 2006, it is 31 years.. when was jesus ministry over?
Oh My Cawed - 1975 all over again... or is that "deja vu all over again"?
by tijkmo in.
the west wing...may have finished in the u.s. before this but it has just finished in the u.k.... in the history of television there has never been a better programme
Awwww (((( Tij )))) come to Hawaii in November. We'll help you heal.
Wheres upside/down???????
by vitty in.
does anyone know why he stopped posting, the last time was in april.. i hate it when posters just disappear.............................
His user id got locked out for unkown reasons, so he hasn't been able to post here in a couple months.
This just tears too deep into my gut...
by Van Gogh inas i am struggling with maintaining my own sanity and very fundaments of existence after recently swiftly cutting all ties with with whatever i held to be dear, sacred and true, for what will have been most of my life...; .
after learning about some disturbing developments in someone else's life, i reconnected with somebody from my past through the amazing internet again, telling i had left for ever and for good.
this is a former elder, somebody i considered to be very successful in life... despite the borg.
(((( VG )))) All I can do is send you, and your friend a hug right now. anewme said it best.
Ballistic Does America
by ballistic inhey guys,.
i can't spend long but just want to say what a great time i'm having in america.
i'm in the middle of a thunder storm in manhattan, new york at the moment.
Hey Ballz! Glad you're having a great time. Whaddaya mean driving on the wrong side of the road? The rest of the world drives on the RIGHT-hand side of the road - it's only GB and Japan that drives on the left.... I'm sorry you're not coming up to the NW. So good meeting you at the barbie. Have a blast!
What religion are you... if any?
by Effervescent ininteresting little flashy thingie, toolie on usa today (see how professional i sound?).
interesting results in new york.... where the world wide headquarters of jws resides... .
Hey, FunkyDViva la semantics
Supertsicious my arse! Just don't step on that crack.....
What religion are you... if any?
by Effervescent ininteresting little flashy thingie, toolie on usa today (see how professional i sound?).
interesting results in new york.... where the world wide headquarters of jws resides... .
Heya FunkyD - how are you?? I hope you had a good trip back home.
And that was my point on Athiesm and AA having religious-like connotations. Going back to description, yes, I have a belief structure. However, I do not gather with others who share similar belief structures, nor do I serve the god(s)/dess because I believe they are not beings to be served nor desirous of such devotion, contrary to most "wo/man's" teachings. So I am non-religious. So I reinforce that I have a spiritual belief structure without the need for a "religious" environment.Athiesm can be considered a religion, especially when the athiest is passionate and into proving their point.
Not easily. The only reasonable definition of religion from that can possibly apply to atheism is the last (and therefore least common) definition:A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.
To bind or return to bondage–an alternate interpretation of the "reconnection" etymology emphasizing a sense of servitude to God, this may have originated with Augustine. However, the interpretation, while popular with critics of religion, is often considered imprecise and possibly offensive to followers.
Concerning a gathering — from Latin res (ablative re, with regard to) + legere (to gather), since organized religion revolves around a gathering of people.