I have FibroMyalgia. FMS for short. many have probably also heard of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - this is the flip side of the illness. That always tired, sometimes the brain is fine and the body is a lump that had a difficult time moving because of muscle fatigue. Sometimes the body is fine but the brain wont function. A real pain in the arse and everywhere else! I was diagnosed 10 years ago after dealing with what others have said: Oh you're just depressed - well duh!, it's in your head! There's nothing wrong with you. etc.
I just won my Social Security Disability last October - what a relief! I couldn't even handle 15 hours a week of sitting as a secretary!
I've also been on just about everything out there except narcotic pain meds. the narcotic pain meds can help periodically, but the are highly addictive and easy to build up a tollerance to - that is why so many people with FMS end up on Morphine!
THE two drugs that have helped me the most are Effexor XR - a time released antidepressand (seratonin reuptake and ephinephren reuptake inhibitors) and Klonapin for the restlessness and body jumpies I get at night that preclude a good night's sleep. But I have built up a tolerance to the Klonapin(relative of valium).
I am also on the Medical Marijuana program in Oregon where it's medically legal. I have had the MOST relieve with the least side effects from MMJ than any other drug or potion I've taken. It works with seratonin and dopamine. Some of the canabanoids are highly anti-inflamatory. Others work as muscle relaxers.
I have clinical proof that MMJ is working for me: a year ago I had my annual blood work done, and I still had elevated platelet count, elevated sed rate and a couple other elevated chemicals... all pointing toward inflamation that my Rheumatologist and I could not locate. I've had these elevations in my blood work since 1996! 10 years of information.
This year, my blood work was normal across the board! No inflamation showing up at all! And over the years I had been on Nsaids (Non-steroidal antiinflamtories) like Relafen, Naproxen, Celebrex, etc., with minimal results. Even steroids, with no results.
MMJ is NOT a cureall majik bullet. But it has provided me with the most relief for my symptoms.
I take 3 activated capsules of herb at night when I go to bed. Then I inhale some for immediate relaxation in bed (I use a vaporizor so the material never burns). I seldom take any during the day unless I'm in a a lot of pain and I'm not going anywhere. Even out and about I'll take a couple drops of extract which will ameliorate the pain without the stoney side effects.
I have to grow my own and I make my own capsules and extracts.
And MJ is NOT deadly. Viagra has more deaths associated with it than MJ does! (2,290 to 0)
NOW besides the points above, I do not recommend breaking the laws in your area. If you live in an MMJ state, get legal. If you do not live in an MMJ state, make it legal!
<putting away soapbox>