Blondie I have a URL for you its quite a big page and its 3/4 down the page. All this stoning, I preferr a small bag of gravel myself makes the stoning last longer. Adventists dont practice shunning of removed members they are treated with respect the whole point of the resolution at the General conference was to remove all negative implications. In fact Ive only seen someone disfellowshiped once for fornication and the person asked for their membership to be dropped but many members felt she should not be disfellowshiped and wanted to refuse her request. After all arent we all sinners every day and didnt Jesus forgive the woman who commited adultry. Adventists have dissidents as big as Ray Franz who cant be disfellowshiped because the local church they belong to wont disfellowship them and they are seen as true christians even though they dont follow the company line. I actually respect people like that more because they take a stand .
Edited by - barry on 25 July 2002 10:32:48