My understanding of a 'born again' is of christians who beleive you can be only born again if you speak in tongues. In reality all christians are born again and have the holy spirit regardless of whether they talk that baby talk. Barry
Posts by barry
Are Born Agains qualified to help JW's?
by sleepy in.
are born agains qualified to help jw's?.
i don't think so.sorry if you are one i have nothing against you personnally, nor jw's come to think of it, but offering your version of truth to jw's is for them to jump out of the frying pan into the fire.. the bible is the root of jw problems , and following that book in which ever way you wish will always be in error..
Will any disrupt meetings & assemblies?
by Dismembered in.
as the ranks of jw's continue to deplete, what are your thoughts on meetings and assemblies being disrupted or heckled by angry ones as more eyes become open to this cult and the damage it has done.. anyone?.
I beleive the way to do it is in small ways first at a book study or WT study on sunday. In asking questions that seem to poeple of little importance it would still have the effect on everyone that they can divert from the written guide without the sky falling in
Barry -
Kudos to Tony Blair, UK PM
by Amazing in... not because he supports action regarding iraq, for that is a debatable issue.
rather, it is because tony blair has proven to be a stand-up statesman who has been able to work well with two very different us administrations, clinton then bush ... while keeping his own moral clarity and vision.
if tony blair represents the majority of british sentiments, then the usa can thank its lucky stars as having such a close friend and ally ... and americans need to better appreciate our british brethern.
You all forgot about Australia our little jonny howard will support big brother Tony and George all the way we always do.
Catholics cannonized the Bible, right?
by StinkyPantz inisn't it true that the roman catholic church put together the bible (canonized the books), and decided the order and all that?
if this isn't true set me straight please.. what do the witnesses think about this?
is it (the bible) just as valid if part of "christendom" decided which books of the bible would be included?
The first list of all the new testament books we have is a list by St Athanasius in 369 later at the second ecumenical council Pope damasis listred the books in the whole Bible. St Athanasius actually better known for the creed bearing his name ' The creed of athanasius ' where he condems those not beleiving in the doctrine of the trinity. His creed has been largely dropped in place of the nicean and the apostals creed although christians in the east dont have the apostals creed.
Barry -
Is your family life all it could be ?
by refiners fire inyeah that was my old man, always had a lot of time to spend with me.. .
thats us at the breakfast table, just before studying the daily text.. .
the old man there, teaching me practical skills that i'll need in the new order when we have to build houses for all those ressurected ones.. .
Good one pris i was thinking the same Barry
Is the Watchtower Society Racist?
by DevonMcBride inyou be the judge.. the watchtower reprints 10/01/1900 p. 2706.
"though, once as black as charcoal, the rev.
mr. draper is now white.
Not racist just anti smurf
Barry -
Born Again Christians
by Celia insomething is bothering me.
from time to time i watch two or three little boys, the sons of a young woman i know.
i did again 2 days ago, as she needed to go to the mall with a friend for back-to-school shopping.
All christians are born again the bible says so. The problem with some born again is they beleive only they are saved because they speak in tonges. Speaking in tonges is on of the gifts but there are other gifts from the holy spirit some still insist that they need to speak in tonges. Barry
Arian, Trinitarian debate by the Adventist
by barry ini got a copy of the record magazine while at church today.
the record is a magazine all adventists get weekly to promote the company line.
looking through it while there i came across an artical people might like to know about on jw com the artical entitled 'the holy spirit and the godheadby angel manuel rodriguez who is director of the biblical research institute of the general conference.
The Arians certainly will quote ellen white and the pioneers because they were all Arians and we will see about the rest. Actually the Arians call the beleif of the trinity the Omega of apostacy because thats what ellen white called it. [omega there those good things is fish arent they].
Edited by - barry on 15 August 2002 18:30:47
Arian, Trinitarian debate by the Adventist
by barry ini got a copy of the record magazine while at church today.
the record is a magazine all adventists get weekly to promote the company line.
looking through it while there i came across an artical people might like to know about on jw com the artical entitled 'the holy spirit and the godheadby angel manuel rodriguez who is director of the biblical research institute of the general conference.
The JWs and the early Adventists are decendant from the Arian heresy. They are called Arian because they are named after the founder a priest from Egypt called Arius who was a catalyst in the debate on the nature of christ in the first ecumenical council at Niceia in 325. Only about 5% of Adventists are Arian now. Thats a guess
Barry -
by barry inone sunday a pastor preached an emotionally- charged sermon about temperancewith great passion, he said, 'if i had all the beer in the world, i'd take it and throw it into the river.
' with even greater emphasis, he added, 'and if i had all the wine in the world , i,d take it and throw it into the river.
' and finally, he exhorted the congeration, and if i had all the whiskey in the world , i'd take it and throw it into the river'.
One sunday a pastor preached an emotionally- charged sermon about temperancewith great passion, He said, 'If I had all the beer in the world, I'd take it and throw it into the river.' with even greater emphasis, he added, 'And if I had all the wine in the world , I,d take it and throw it into the river.' and finally, he exhorted the congeration, and if I had all the whiskey in the world , I'd take it and throw it into the river'. Amen! He sat down.
The choit director then stood very cautiously and announced with a pleasant smile, ' for our closing song, let us stand and sing hymn no 365 'shall we gather at the river.'