G'Day PawPaw
You see mate, Ol' Douglass there has made a statement, NOT an observation or an opinion. He unequivocally has stated as if a fact, that WT do not pay ( zip ) property taxes on their real estate empire.
I know this to be false, they pay several 100,000's per year. If banana breath classes that as zip, well........
Because he has made this statement, and tendered it to the board as fact, like others here i would / should ask that he provide us with a bases to his claim.
Was it overheard by him as part of a conversation 2 middle management bethelite's were having over a piss whilst he was instigating a toilet cubicle @ brooklyn ??
Or did Randy or Mr Blizzard tell him, and he then assume that maybe these blokes must really know ??
He may have info from the relevant goverment department, it is public knowledge you know.
Maybe he is propagting a lie, unbeknown to himself ??
See he goes on to say ...
" Brooklynites who are informed have little or no respect for the WTS and its multi-national printing Corporation headquarted in their City. "
Now that is a weak statement, BUT it is hearsay, he can spin that crap without proof. It does however diminish even further his perceived image as a serious and intelligent poster, certainly though only to those ones amoungst us that are " informed " by his standards.
In any event, i know he wont mind me asking, its in his nature to be detailed. Anyhum, do i not have the right to question your primadona's ??
You can see now PawPaw that the onus is not on me to tell you what i know.
Am i being unreasonable peoples ??