Scooby you would be surprised at what you can do! Really!!
It took me a long time to get my degrees, but I did it and I got the sheepskins hanging on the wall to prove it. Here is a thought. Take a good look at some of the people that have more formal education than you do. Are they smarter than you? Of course not! They are "blokes" (I think that is the term used over there.) just like us. A degree takes time and sacrifice, but it does not take forever and when it is done you can look back and say "Yep I done it" "I am one smart dude". What I do not understand is how some people squander their time going from job to job never focusing on getting a solid foundation that will help them go up rather than sideways.
Come on Scube give it the Scooby doobie try. Expand your horizons! It won't kill ya and I have found no matter what courses you take or new work projects you take on, you always, always, always learn something that will apply sometime somewhere in your life. A learning experience opens your mind and opens up doors in the future. Give it a shot Scooby!!