Hi Chris,
<“The prophets guided the nation til Christ">
HHMMMM????? I was taught by the WT that the
people were guided by Judges (rutherford too?) and
they later wanted to have King's just like every
othe Pagan country. Jah said that would not be
such a good idea. The peeps went on a rant so
Jah (changed his mind?) and gave them King's,
read here more diaster.
Also I was taught that the profits (sic) were there
to WARN the peeps of all the bad things that were
going on and that Jah would judge these "organizations"
adversley, and this all came to pass. Thus the profits
were the "spokesmen" , individuals who formed the
"opposition party" as it were. Something that today
would get you a one ticket to purgatory!!!
< Before the death of the last apostle, it was made
clear that Christianity would be facing tough times ahead.”>
I agree that this clearly happened. So who was the "spokesman"
in 101AD. 307AD, the Pope, Constantine? 1492? 1799? 1879???
1914? 1925? 1935? 1941? 1951? 1975??? (i was there) 2000??
I was taught that the mark of a profit/spokesman (individuals)
would be the truthfullness of their WARNINGs!! (sorry to yell).
IMVHO it seems that the profits were always "ranting" about the
current admin. goverment, king, blah blah blah. So much so
that they were often killed for these warnings. Try to warn of
ANY inaccuracy, simple mistake, or worse, coverup and you too
will be "killed", as in consigned to death (df'd), by your brudders,
family, friends, business associates.
The "stones" would cry out HIS message. Jah is very organized,
as the beautiful universe shows, but certainly does not need an
"organization" and the 6,000 yo track record seems to completely
show what folly organizations are. Please read what CT Russell
siad about this subject,.
Man 'o man am i on a rant here. Starting to feel better tho. whewww.
love to all, thanks for your comments Chris.
Do we know each other??
(of the very unorganized class)