Little Toe,
"I honestly can't stomach such scaremongering, anymore.
The WTS filled my belly with it. My Lord has not."
Honestly, the watchtower has put fear into you, why? God put this in his Word to warn you Rev 2:8-11 do not be afraid.
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
Little Toe,
"I honestly can't stomach such scaremongering, anymore.
The WTS filled my belly with it. My Lord has not."
Honestly, the watchtower has put fear into you, why? God put this in his Word to warn you Rev 2:8-11 do not be afraid.
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
Rev. 13:18 The number of the wild beast is 666
Rev. 13:3.....and the earth followed the wild beast with admiration
Rev. 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon because it gave authority to the wild beast, and they worshiped the wild beast with the words: Who is like the wild beast. and who can do battle with it?
REv. 13:2.......And the dragon gave to the beast its power and its throne and great power.
Rev. 12 And a great sign was seen in heaven, a woman arrayed with the sun, and the moon was beneath her feet, and on her head was a crown of twelve stars, and she was pregnant. And she cries out in her pains and in her agony to give birth. And another sign was seen in heaven, and look! a great fiery-colored dragon, with seven heads and ten horns and upon it's head seven diadems;........................And the dragon kept standing before the woman who was about to give birth, that, when she did give birth, it might devour her child.
Satan controls the entity that is the WBTS/Harlot. The wild beast 666 and the kings want to destroy her. God puts it into the hearts of the kings to do that as justice.
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
Little Toe,
"supporting it with convoluted Numerology." ????
Rev. 13:18 Here is where Wisdom comes in......
Rev. 18:4 And I heard a voice out of heaven say.......
If this is a terrorist attack that is going to happen, please, don't let the real message be lost on you.
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
City Fan,
kings = GB
harlot = WBTS
Babylon the Great = the entity that the WBTS represents
the wild beast = satan
I wrote out the alphabet and assigned each letter with the value of 6 or its multiple. A=6,B=12,C=18 etc. the watchtower bible & tract society =1998 (THE & =6) MULTIPLY 333 BY 2(THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR BESIDES 1 IN THE ASSIGNED VALUE OF 6 COMPAIRED TO THE USUAL ASSIGNED VALUE 10) AND YOU GET THE NUMBER 666. This is too much of a coincedence, to be a coincedence. The WBTS is an entity that has the number of the beast written on it. + the facts hold up under the weight of scripture and the scriptures support the facts, as I have pointed out. God help us. michelle |
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
I believe that God will put it into the hearts of the kings of Babylon the Great to carry out their one thought, to turn over the Harlot to the wild beast, by way of fire. I believe that this will happen soon. Pray it doesn't happen in winter. When it happens let those in Judea, run for the hills, don't stick around and wonder at her.
And a strong angel lifted up a stone like a millstone and hurled it into the sea, saying: "Thus with a swift pitch will Babylon the Great city be hurled down, and she will never be found again.
And I heard another voice out of heaven say: "Get out of her My people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plaques for her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind.
love michelle
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
the first holiday of the season is coming up soon, and i was wondering why j.w.
's don't celebrate it.
it's not a bilbical event, as far as i know.
The WBTS has deceived the JW's into working their lives "to death" for a thankless " a God". The True and Living God asks us to be thankful in everything we do. Give thanks for being ABLE to celebrate. Thats what Thanksgiving Day is all about.
did you ever notice how some guys ( because only males are allowed to do anything ) thought they were so cool just because they did mikes or were behind the magazine counter.
why did they feel this way and what else can you think of that in reality was kinda stupid but to these guys felt really important and special to do?
You thought you were doing God's work. There is nothing wrong with wanting to help spread the Word. God knows you heart was in the right place, you remember that too.
love michelle
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
Thanx toredor,
I read 1 paragraph of JCanon stuff and I can tell you unequivocally, I am not like him. He is a date setter, he flips all over the scriptures like a JW trying to prove his 1 point. + he sounds like a bit of a "nut case". Yes I got all that from one paragraph. The only thing that we might have in common is the intensity with which we deliver our message. I am more intense, because I care about people a lot. Sue me.
love michelle
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
Who the heck is J.C. Cannon?