dear Tammy...
there are only two opposing kingdoms. the kingdom of God and the kingdom of satan...
do you really think that Jesus would celebrate the love amongst those who have chosen to not be part of God's kingdom?
love michelle
this is a serious question.. i know people that hear/feel god (and see postings about people's experiences), but i have not experienced this.
i have never heard anything audibly (or otherwise) nor "felt" anything inwardly.. i've prayed, read, quieted my thoughts, etc...but still nothing..
dear Tammy...
there are only two opposing kingdoms. the kingdom of God and the kingdom of satan...
do you really think that Jesus would celebrate the love amongst those who have chosen to not be part of God's kingdom?
love michelle
this is a serious question.. i know people that hear/feel god (and see postings about people's experiences), but i have not experienced this.
i have never heard anything audibly (or otherwise) nor "felt" anything inwardly.. i've prayed, read, quieted my thoughts, etc...but still nothing..
and, of course, satan will always try and find a way to distract (ie. AGuest and her chaos) a person from facing that word of truth...
mark 4:14-15
love michelle
this is a serious question.. i know people that hear/feel god (and see postings about people's experiences), but i have not experienced this.
i have never heard anything audibly (or otherwise) nor "felt" anything inwardly.. i've prayed, read, quieted my thoughts, etc...but still nothing..
dear Tammy...
you said in your post #10153 on page 5:"If you want to feel/hear, then you must go to Christ. (He is the one you will hear... or at least He is the one who I hear) You can ask God for ears to hear, and eyes to see. Ask Him to send you the Holy Spirit (who is Christ; the Truth). Then trust (have faith) that He will do so. Put your faith IN Him."...
I don't think you are hearing Jesus Christ. Jesus was obedient unto death even death on the cross. (romans 2:8)
Those ordinances against us...the penalties incurred because of our disobedience [even generational ones which resulted from a curse] (colossians 2:14) were put on Jesus. His death didn't erase the requirement for obedience to Gods ways though.
Jesus even MAGNIFIED the law (matthew 5:27-28)...See in Matthew 5:20, the scribes and pharisees were outwardly righteous but Jesus says He requires His followers to exceed that righteousness in our inner man as well.
This shows that there is NO WAY that Jesus would have celebrated the diversity of "altars" represented here like you have...He was without SIN because He was obedient to God in every way. (when He was being tempted by satan with the world and all its glory He refused categorically. [Matthew 4:8-10] did the first christians who refused to offer even a pinch of incense to save their lives)...God detests other altars.
I noticed in your other thread mentioned previously that you seem to equate tearing down "altars" to being judgemental of other people but it isn't, the fact is it is actually an act of good judgement on your part combined with obedience and consequently an act of love for God FIRST before your friends...or your reputation...
It is a truth that as long as you maintain your stance on that other thread devoted to the wonderfullness of the diversity of "altars" in this place you are being willfully DISobedient and you are setting yourself up as a lawless one who opposes and exalts himself (ie. Tammy's Altar of Love) 2 thess. 2:3-4, 9
Tammy you have been seduced by a disobedient one...The Holy Spirit would NOT compel you to disobey the first commandment...even with loving intent.
love michelle
click on the above and try each icon for a pithy explanation and example of logical fallacies.
dear Terry...
you said:
"Take the unusual word: SIN which was borrowed from Archery practice and referred to inability to hit what bullseye you were aiming at.
A person who first picks up a bow could hardly be expected to hit the bullseye the 1st time, right?
But, watch what happens if we substitute this for what happened in the Garden of Eden with Adam."...
in the "biblical" context all SIN is disobedience to the way of God whether in actions or thoughts. The life of A & E in the garden was likely one of obedience to God until E was deceived into disobedience by an entity outside of herself...
most children are born with a trust in their parents judgement (as to what is good for them) but there always comes a time when the child acts on what they consider their "better" judgement of a situation...this is an act of disobedience.
love michelle
p.s. in the nation of israel it should be noted that they were called to obedience to God and the command was to honour their parents in which there would be a blessing...
... how truly great this place is.. i have not been on many forums, but i think this one is unique and strong in a very important way.
it is of course a support group for those exiting the wts, or trying to deal with remaining within it, first and foremost.
but the awesome thing about this place is how it welcomes everyone.
dear Tammy...
so it only means don't worship any other gods if you are one of His people...and so that all that tearing down other altars was unneccesary and possibly no even a command from God?
Let me suggest that in accordance with scripture, God absolutely detested the presence of other gods in the midst of His people and where ever He directed them, His servants were commanded to tear down altars...and they did such a thing wholeheartedly BECAUSE they didn't just give lip service, but they worshipped Him in SPIRIT AND TRUTH. Their spirit detested the very things that God detested. john 4:24
Jesus said, "he who HAS My commands AND keeps them, it is he who loves ME". john 14:21
1 kings 18:21
love michelle
... how truly great this place is.. i have not been on many forums, but i think this one is unique and strong in a very important way.
it is of course a support group for those exiting the wts, or trying to deal with remaining within it, first and foremost.
but the awesome thing about this place is how it welcomes everyone.
dear Tammy...
if you follow your line of reasoning Jesus didn't REALLY "concern" Himself with things like slavery, does that mean TO YOU that that is tolerable in His eyes?
As well...Jesus said: "If you have seen Me you have seen the Father". As a perfect reflection of the Father wouldn't you HAVE to believe that the God of the OT didn't concern Himself with the tearing down of altars either...and therefore the many OT accounts of such a command coming from God are a complete lie?...
When God said "thou shall have no other Gods before me", did He mean that He wants to be the first in a long line of gods, or He doesn't want to see any other Gods tolerated (and celebrated) by His chosen people?
love michelle
... how truly great this place is.. i have not been on many forums, but i think this one is unique and strong in a very important way.
it is of course a support group for those exiting the wts, or trying to deal with remaining within it, first and foremost.
but the awesome thing about this place is how it welcomes everyone.
dear Tammy...
God commanded His servants to tear down pagan altars not celebrate the diversity.
Jesus concerned Himself with teaching about the spirit of the wasn't about the outward man (making a good show in the flesh) it was about the inward, the disciples didn't wash their hands but their hands were clean.
to crucify yourself to the world and live for Jesus involves making your mind over...with the help of the Holy Spirit you learn to detest the things that God detests...Paul said don't let your freedom be a license for lift up holy hands...put away from yourselves all filth and uncleanness...and of course once you've been washed don't go back to wallowing in the mud...
dear Fernando, are you talking about cheap grace?...something that others deride the catholic religion for...for SOME getting completely drunk with the drunkards on saturday and going to confession on sunday (at least there is a recognition of the seriousness of sin there)...the disciples were taught the deeper things of God in keeping the spirit of the law and then they were sent out by Jesus to baptize and teach others to do all things that He commanded them. Paul taught that a walk with Jesus involves a maturing...not going back again and again to the elemental things of salvation. hebrews 6:6 even states that to do so can be likened to crucifying Christ all over again. 2 cor. 7:10-11 says that godly sorrow produces repentance to salvation (180 degrees) but a superficial repentance leads to death (360 degrees). Fernando, you've got to know that shepherding the flock of God is keeping them from harm (so they can mature) not watching them wander away again and again because one of day they could be raveged by wolves. TEACHING the ways of God is not self-righteousness it is a desire to raise people up to a place where they know they are pleaseing God because they are actually trying to please God...Paul commended the corinthians because his teaching actually caused them to diligently rout the sin in their lives and zealously keep watch or examine what they do.
love michelle
... how truly great this place is.. i have not been on many forums, but i think this one is unique and strong in a very important way.
it is of course a support group for those exiting the wts, or trying to deal with remaining within it, first and foremost.
but the awesome thing about this place is how it welcomes everyone.
dear FHN...
Gods prophets (and Jesus) called people to repentance throughout the entire whether you agree with it or not doesn't make it less true or needful. (john 3:19)
Call it a different path, or a journey or whatever "spiritual" sounding name you want...God is not asking us to do something we are incapable of. He is precisely calling us TO repent and turn from our own path. The account of philip and the eunich makes it hard to deny that we are encouraged if not expected to repent once we've heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. Part of following Jesus is counting the cost...scripture says you can't remain a friend of God and a friend of the either love what is going on here with all the different gods and lose your soul OR you love the Almighty God. (james 4:4)
it is interesting that you say you don't recognise any one holy book but you freely quote the one that talks about salvation and the Saviour IF and when it suits your "la difference"...which isn't that different from, "surely God didn't say..."
...why are you so easily led by those with a different gospel but brush off the true and complete gospel of Jesus Christ?
love michelle
... how truly great this place is.. i have not been on many forums, but i think this one is unique and strong in a very important way.
it is of course a support group for those exiting the wts, or trying to deal with remaining within it, first and foremost.
but the awesome thing about this place is how it welcomes everyone.
dear FHN...
I don't know why God said that people would be eternally damned. All I can suggest is that to be just the equal measure is eternal salvation for those who turn to Jesus for their salvation.
Scripture says that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. From the beginning this was a requirement. From the beginning man tried to find a way around this...he tried to come into fellowship with God the way he thought was right. (genesis 4:3-5,7)
To be cut off from God and cast into the lake of fire that is created for the devil and his angels after God has given you warnings and pleaded with you for all these generations would NOT be unfair on His part. It would however be fait accompli for satans part..ecclesiastes he is a liar from the beginning..."surely God didn't say"...
(the life is in the blood...rev 12:11)
love michelle
... how truly great this place is.. i have not been on many forums, but i think this one is unique and strong in a very important way.
it is of course a support group for those exiting the wts, or trying to deal with remaining within it, first and foremost.
but the awesome thing about this place is how it welcomes everyone.
dear FHN...
and yet your "common salvation" doesn't see you holding hands with the GB or hitler or the likes of jim jones etc., why is that? All that wrong thinking is going to be forgiven because Jesus was killed too?...Where is the justice for those who have been murdered, tortured or even held captive by those who would do them harm?
Why are you waiting until the revealing of the sons of God before you embrace these who will be your brothers in "common salvation"?
does your personal sense of justice call for a cleaning of the slate or not?
love michelle
p.s. the scripture says that those who will be saved are those who turn to Jesus FOR salvation, have their sins covered by the blood of the Lamb and repent of their wrong doing. A person can choose to turn to Jesus any time during the course of a day but the farther they get away from His salvation the less likely they are to see the need for it. the bible says that God allows people to go their own way after a time...He gives them over to their own "lusts"...what they want,( not what He would choose for them...mainly salvation in Jesus Christ)...the scripture says that when He comes again He will come in judgement : jude the revealing of the sons of God will be with judgement...and then there will be justice served, not as your belief seems to imply...a cleaning of the slate.