dear Terry...
you said:
"Paul explains, explains, explains. He is the Professor, scientist, theologian and hard-nosed scold. He leaves no room for arguments. On the other hand, Jesus is vague and mysterious."...
Paul was a pharisee so he would have studied judaism and could have rightly been called a "professor" of judaism but when Jesus came he became a theologian...he progressed to the study of God.
If all you get from his explaination is this:
"Paul doesn't base his arguments and persuasions on Jesus. Paul uses Jewish theology!
Paul uses a Greek way of thinking, too.
Paul uses eisogesis (reading INTO the text) to make his doctrinal points. Quoting Jesus? Not necessary!
Paul was sent by the High Priest to end the sect of Jesus followers and he does this by co-opting their message and meaning. How? He convinces the Jesus splinter group that Jesus is the End Point of Judaism itself. By bringing both groups together there is no longer an "enemy". The pagan goyim steeped in Greek mythology (Thanks to Roman patronage) can accept Judaism with its demi-god, Jesus! Everybody can get along! Right? Wrong.
Then--history stepped in and destroyed MAINSTREAM JUDAISM...leaving only the "blended" messianic Jesus group!"'ve missed his whole point.
Paul was sent to the gentiles first of all so it shouldn't be a surprise that he would use the available "mindset" in his explainations. Paul, far from co-opting the greek mythology of demi-gods, was drawing on the OT theme of a Son and using that in relation to a Father...both notions present in the OT. But his protrait was not that of a supreme god and a demi-god. He sought to bring the real God to the people. He carried on and expanded the teaching of the OT prophets(where the pharisees didn't)...unlike the greeks and their gods of monologue...paul was teaching that the God of israel was in dialogue with man..."at various times and places God spoke to us through the prophets but at this time He has spoken to us through His Son" The irony is when paul went to mars hill and said he could see that they were very religious by all thier alters...and he noticed the alter to the unknown god...he COULDN'T preach an unknown god because God has made Himself known...most of the gods that were represented there were pretty much un-known (you never knew where you stood with them) as far as expecting any kind of reciprocity ie. blessing in return for worship. They were a fickle self-centered lot...weren't they? In contrast to the God of israel Who "drew up" His expectations, underlined the blessings toward those who followed, signed a covenant and never backed out.
Which brings us to Jesus (figuratively)...He is the fulfilment of that covenant when the jewish people couldn't keep up their end. God continued to reach out for dialogue even if they were always turning from Him. Jesus wasn't mysterious and vague...He said, "if you knew the Father you would know Me also"..."if you have seen Me you have seen the Father". He was the Word, a continuation of that dialogue between God and man that was started long ago when God chose a special people TO speak to and through. I think that because of the priestly "class" in Jesus time the dialogue that was desired had become a monologue. the priests instilled fear into the people as a means to control their power structure. Interestingly the last word from the OT prophets in the book of malachi 4:4-6 there is a warning stating that God would come and strike the earth with a curse(which I believe to be a withdrawing of His protection) if the hearts of the fathers aren't turned to the sons and the hearts of the sons to the fathers...a reinstitution of dialogue between the generations, so to speak. As a consequence of this NOT happening within the majority jewish population (because of the priests, mark 7:9-13) It came about that God did withdraw His protection just a He said and Jesus predicted in matthew 24:15-20 which did see a partial fulfillment in 70 AD specifically to those jewish people who hadn't responded to Jesus.(ie. entered into dialogue with God by His means) have suggested previously that your take on the worship of God is God demanding, "what have you done for me lately?"...which isn't the case. It is more like God replying..."what can I do for My beloved?"
love michelle