JoinedPosts by myelaine
ART! What the hell is it?????
by Terry inart!.
what the hell is it?.
i can't tell you what it is, but, i can tell you what i think it does.. art changes you.. it stops you cold in your tracks.. when you finally walk away from it you keep on thinking about it.. you can't shrug it off easily.. it's now a different world for you.. .
SAFE WAY to awaken, VERY POWERFUL. Even called Bethel elder on it.
by EndofMysteries ini've found this topic and subject to be extremely powerful.
this is for those who still believe in god, realize the wt is apostate, and trying to help family.
(meaning i do not wish it to be used on trying to turn people athiest, i respect everyone's choices, i just believe and would hate my help to do what i feel is wrong) it might help fix things, or if you are still wondering how to awaken them without scaring them and being instantly shunned.
dear EndofMysteries...
thank you for your response.
I had mentioned in my 2 posts on this thread who my community faith community is the orthodox church. the one that the WTBTS has so thoroughly demonised throughout its campaign...
I wasn't talking about the two witnesses but another specific portion of the book of revelation, but...
in your to-ing and frow-ing have you increased knowledge? daniel 12:4 I'm asing because a casual reading of the bible would have enabled most anyone to connect the similarities between the two characters pictured in zech. and rev. I think even people that aren't believers can make that connection. has the Holy Spirit led you any further into the truth of what this matter indicates so that you can be of service to God by "revealing" something to those who are listening to you?
love michelle
Jesus wife fragment is a fake
by Christ Alone in
gospel of jesus's wife is fake, claims expertscholar says papyrus fragment believed to provide evidence that jesus was married is a modern forgery.
karen king from harvard university holds the papyrus fragment that has four words written in coptic, which are believed to prove jesus was married.
dear Tammy...
you said: "We don't know if he forgave Judas or not. It is between the two of them."...
Jesus tells us that we should forgive others 70 x 7 in a day...and He also says that if one repents then He is quick to forgive.
judas throwing the blood money back into the temple would be a sign of repentance, wouldn't it?...also being that he was buried in a place that they named for him..."field of blood/potters field"...(matthew 27:7-10) leaves one the impression that God can go into the field any time He wants and re-fashion the vessel for honour. jeremiah 18:4, romans 9:21..."Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the SAME lump, to make one vessel for honour and another for dishonour?"
so, far from it being only between Jesus and judas...isn't the whole episode is an OPEN encouragement to repent because God is merciful to those who repent?
love michelle
New guy on the block
by danno ini am new to the forum, but i have been lurking in the shadows for a couple of months.
i found this site because my mom accidentally bookmarked it on my computer.
my mom doesn't realise that i know she has been posting.
awww...getting a bit misty eyed over here. good job mom and welcome danno
Who in the hell ate Abraham,s food, Angels or God?
by jam inok folks,.
gen.18;1-8 the lord appeared to him by the oak tree.. gen.18:5 he fetch a morsel of bread for his guest.. gen.18;6 sarah makes meal, knead it and made cakes.. gen.18:7 abraham ran to the herd and took a calf, tender.
and good.. gen.18:8 he set it before them and he stood by them under.
dear jam...
"Have anyone heard of women angels? Men angels in every appearance that I can think of. I may be wrong."
Who is she who looks forth as the morning,
Fair as the moon,
Clear as the sun,
Awesome as an army with banners?Return, return, O Shulamite;
Return, return, that we may look upon you!What would you see in the Shulamite—
As it were, the dance of the two camps?song of solomon 6:10,12love michelle
Video tribute to Oompa (Eric Reeder)
by cedars ini didn't know eric particularly well, and i feel terrible that i didn't reach out to him more or try to help him while i still had the opportunity.. i feel extremely helpless, but the least i can do is help others remember him who knew him better.. here is a video i've uploaded to youtube in his honor.... .
i hope it helps us as we mourn a much-loved member of this forum.. .
dear cedars...
that video is a lovely tribute to oompa. and your music selection is perfect.
love michelle
SAFE WAY to awaken, VERY POWERFUL. Even called Bethel elder on it.
by EndofMysteries ini've found this topic and subject to be extremely powerful.
this is for those who still believe in god, realize the wt is apostate, and trying to help family.
(meaning i do not wish it to be used on trying to turn people athiest, i respect everyone's choices, i just believe and would hate my help to do what i feel is wrong) it might help fix things, or if you are still wondering how to awaken them without scaring them and being instantly shunned.
dear EndofMysteries...
I said that the core church was there were obviously those who left the church community being "NOT one of us" 1 john 2:19.
one of the tenents of christianity is that when one becomes born again in Jesus Christ they have gone from death to life. In that respect Jesus Christ did most certainly put an end to death for those who are born again as is illustrated in hebrews 12:21-22. those who enter into the community of God (His kingdom) through Jesus Christ are the first born and registered in heaven...they have passed from death to life.
do you understand that some scripture is parenthetical meaning that not everyone will be involved in, see or even understand these events unfolding but that they do unfold in their time. (see matthew 24:15 as an example of this) many events in ezekiel are such events...indeed the first part of ezekiel shows that only ezekiel "sees" the vision of the angels and their "activity".
I would like to go back to what I was saying in my previous post about using scripture to interpret the times and the times to interpret the scripture...the scenes in the book of revelation are an interpretive framework.
...for example I live in this time and I live my life and experience the world through the eyes of an orthodox christian. I don't experience and see through the eyes of a muslim, or JW or agnostic or athiest. I interpret what goes on around me in light of my experience(in orthodox christian mode so to speak). what happens in my life and your life and what happens in the world are real events they don't have to be interpreted to know what they are, they are events and experiences that just happen. the events in the orthodox church, the turning away from sound doctrine, the rise of cults and un-orthodox sects happened. we don't have find clues and uncover the fact that it didn't need to be interpreted. being an orthodox christian I am part of the experience of the orthodox church, these cults and sects came up against me and my community and drew people away. I experienced what happened from the inside not as an outside observer. takeing what really happened in my church community (real and true events)and applying events portrayed in the book of revelation(real and true events) as my interpretive framework I am able to "see" a correspondence. So being on the inside of the events happening and looking out it is easier to unravel these mysterious visions than it is for someone observing from the outside.
three questions:
1) have you found a better way to interpret the events in revelation?
2) if I and my community are on the inside...where are you?
3) what is holding you back from joining us?
love michelle
SAFE WAY to awaken, VERY POWERFUL. Even called Bethel elder on it.
by EndofMysteries ini've found this topic and subject to be extremely powerful.
this is for those who still believe in god, realize the wt is apostate, and trying to help family.
(meaning i do not wish it to be used on trying to turn people athiest, i respect everyone's choices, i just believe and would hate my help to do what i feel is wrong) it might help fix things, or if you are still wondering how to awaken them without scaring them and being instantly shunned.
dear EndofMysteries...
thank you for asking me to explain. I will try the activities of God and the world are not static and so events portrayed in the bible shouldn't habitually be construed as something that is going to happen sometime in "the future". I mentioned the dates in reference to your statement because in order to solve the mystery you are confronted with you should use the scriptures to interpret the times AND the times to interpret the scriptures that is what revelation is about, seeking to reveal what is otherwise hidden. I think it is important to consider that things can be happening right in front of us and we aren't seeing it because we are stuck in the habit of thinking it couldn't happen to us, even though we KNOW that satan is subtle....
I think the 1000 years of the undivided church can be identified as the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ in His church before the direct infiltration of satan to cause disunity over the question of WHO is the authority when up until that time the authority of Christ maintained unity.satan caused division by stoking the flames of mans pride and ego and men allowed pride to come before the unity that Jesus prayed for in His followers. the fact that it is almost 1000 years since that division can also be identified as being the end time when satan brings his forces against the church.
the visions in the book of revelation are not in cronological order so that we can possitively say one thing will be happening and then the next thing will be happening. often events are overlapping. for example, the saints reign with Christ in the church/zion for 1000 years and right after the thousand years satan is let loose but the saints are still being added to the church/zion (the city of God hebrews 12:22) while satan is simutaniously gathering his armies for the 1000 years. some scenes span great lengths of time...and a lot of events can happen on earth that seem to take no time at all in john's visions.
I hope you will agree that there has never been a greater turning away from the orthodox faith than there is in these days...much like it is portrayed in scripture that the gate of hell will be opened causing the locust army to be released to torment all those who DON'T have the seal of God. they will torment by way of false teaching. (I say teaching because this locust army looks something "like" (revelation 9:7-11) those who are in the army of God(revelation 9:17-21 [the latter also do harm to those who DON'T have the seal of God because they have their mission to cause people to repent TO God while the locust army has its mission to devour like the locust would devour the produce of a field]...I see this in the different cults and sects that have arisen during the last 100 years or so that cause the UN-sealed people to be abused in their spirit by slowly eating away at their spirit to the point that even the tender root would whither and become hardened...whereas the orthodox faith has seen an increase in christian apologists that would "plague" these in their counter evangelisim...this is ultimately a battle between the forces of God and satan.
the apostle paul says that before the second advent of Jesus Christ men will not endure sound doctrine but will heap up for themselves false teachers that would turn them aside from the truth.(2 timothy 4:3) sound doctrine is something that has been thoroughly analysed and accepted for a long time...NOT new doctrine that is said to be a return to the pure form of worship like the WT teaches or the other sects and cults (of which there are many) that say they have discovered what the ministry of Jesus "really" meant.
I think that because there is so much involvement in spiritism now a days it isn't even just a matter of people being deceived by the spirits of the fallen angels but the testimony of so of these spiritists is convincing evidence to the fact that many people have wholely given their bodies over to be fully possessed by these spirits and they unfortunately will find their "end" with these fallen angels...sometimes without completely comprehending what is going on.
BUT the will of God for israel His people (the *election) continues into the final harvest of the field(matthew 13:38-43), the wheat and the tares[rev 14:14-20](which He will hasten lest no flesh be saved) *Election just means that God is the one who took the initiative and He chose us.
love michelle
p.s. I would like to add that the different denominations/houses of the church were living peacefully and securely in their "city" before the turn of the last century when they became surrounded by the various cults and pseudo christian sects that arose to draw people away. rev. 20:7-9
I Want Proof Jesus Even Existed
by Farkel indon't bother me with the josephus addendum.
i've already seen that debunked.. i am quite aware of the fact that the only evidence of jesus comes from his own followers who didn't even bother to write down his life for decades after jesus "died.
" don't know about you, but if i saw all that shit, i would have gone home and written three books about it that same day!.
dear sabastious...
you said: "One thing is clear, this mysterious "man" not only split Judaism in two, but he made such a ruckus that Isalm started because of the fighting between the Christians and the Jews OVER the idea of him. They concluded that there could not be two gods, so instead of taking a side they created their own."
...that statement was completely OUT TO LUNCH
love michelle
I Want Proof Jesus Even Existed
by Farkel indon't bother me with the josephus addendum.
i've already seen that debunked.. i am quite aware of the fact that the only evidence of jesus comes from his own followers who didn't even bother to write down his life for decades after jesus "died.
" don't know about you, but if i saw all that shit, i would have gone home and written three books about it that same day!.
dear donny...
you said: "When I read the Bible without any outside influence or commentaries, it is quite clear to me that Jesus and Paul were talking about the kingdom of God coming in their time (1st century"...
theoretically the kingdom of God is where ever Jesus exists as King. that is why Jesus could say that the kingdom is in your midst when He was standing among His disciples.
isaiah 60 is speaking of a "place" where the Saviour reigns a "place" called Zion. see also: hebrews 12:22-24...Zion/the church of the firstborn starts with one person believing that Jesus Christ is King and the kingdom grows from there...
Also your people shall all be righteous; They shall inherit the land forever, the branch of My planting, the work of My hands, that I may be glorified. A little one shall become a thousand, And a small one a strong nation. I, the LORD, will hasten it in its time. isaiah 60:21- 22...and then chapter 61 announces the advent of the Messiah.
love michelle