dear NewChapter...
I don't think it is a test from God as to how we respond, each of us has his own conscience as to how he will respond. but...if being humanist is the better way to get things done then you would have to show results as to whether that is true or not...christians aren't standing in your way, are they?
I don't think that God is powerless to help these people...He has His people to do His will in this world and they do. As long as He is able to change hearts He has power in this world.
the bible states that satan is the prince of the power of the air in this world and he and his angels work against the will of God in this world.
you said: "Well I happen to think that you're hypocritical to put little hearts after your posts, but I suppose it is better than 'peace'." you think that I don't love you?...why?
love michelle
p.s. I glad that you do real things too.