dear Tammy...
you said: "This world was not meant to have pain/suffering/death. It does now, and so now those who are in this world must contend with that... until such a time as these things are no more."...
but, the bible states that because of the sin of A&E and their entering this world with their fallen nature that is why this world is as it is.
I think that whether a person is a believer or non-believer the opportunity exists to help these people by putting your money where your mouth is, so to speak. Part of living the christian live is helping the poor...if humanists believe that is part of their ethos too, then it.
also, still waiting for you to name your lord...
dear NewChapter et al...
I think it is kind of hypocritical to say you are concerned about these people AND at the same time USE THEM as propaganda in your no God debate.
love michelle