dear Tammy...
I've been thinking about the things you say in order to better understand where your coming from. I have to say that as much as I understand your idea of love for loves sake or "the law of love" as you call is a naive and childish (not childlike) theology. Yes, I know you don't like "theology" but anyone who tries to understand the relationship of God to man is practicing theology...that includes you.
perhaps it is because you don't like "theology" and are unwilling to look into the deeper things of God that what is your theology is severely lacking internal consistancy. the one you say is your lord seems to be inconsistant in his values in that for one person(AGuest) he makes it quite clear that his real name must be sanctified with the exclusion of all others but for another person(you) it isn't so important at all. His personality is inconsistant in that, though the Son makes it quite clear in the scriptures that He was sent to save...your lord has made it clear to you that anyone's righteousness is enough to save long as they live "the law of love".
Aside from the fact that your "law of love" seems to be able to replace the purpose of righteousness in Jesus Christ for salvation...there is no distinction made as to whether it is love borne of the Holy Spirit or love born of the fallen flesh. You see, the love that Jesus was talking about was love that is born in the believer of the Holy Spirit and flows upwards and outwards...if someone doesn't believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit then how can the love of God...that perfect uniting love born of the Holy Spirit be in him? can A&E "fallen love" save them?
I think that your "law of love" devalues the nature of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ which is inconsistant with the love of the Father towards Him.
would you consider the possiblility that you might need to fine tune your law of love to better reflect the purpose of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit ?...or perhaps you would consider stating the truth about the fact that your law of love in no way amends or replaces the need for salvation in Jesus Christ alone. Can you be forthright about that without fear of sounding judgemental? at this point your theological construction implies that your interpretation of the law of love is enough.
love michelle