dear Tammy...
you said: "When Christ returnes we (our flesh) will be changed. The corruptable puts on the incorruptable. I don't think the verse states incorruptable 'flesh'. In any case, this flesh that we have right now, counts for nothing. Everything Christ taught, and Paul, points to that. You might need to point out what makes you think otherwise for me."...
after His resurrection Jesus showed Thomas that He had flesh (Jesus didn't look any different than He did before His death)and Paul says that we will be changed like unto Him.
I can see where confusion comes from though, as your lord has been described quite differently by AGuest:
"They are "serpents"... which are not snakes, but beings of a reptilian type. Sorry, but that's the best I can explain it - they're not reptiles, though, not at all... so, gargoyle-ish might be a better word. They are "drakos/dracon"... serpents (seraphs) )... that stand upright like men, but have wings... and can see all, except that which is hidden from them (like the seed of the Woman). Hence, they are "dragons", the English rendering of the word.
Christ's appearance is very similar to these, but not exactly. His head (and not just his hair) is white... and his eyes are orange (fire-colored). His "skin" (which is actually scales) is a bronze/copper color. He is probably the MOST unattractive of them (excluding JAH Himself)"...
you completely side-stepped the issue...I was talking specifically about the flesh of Jesus Christ and what He did for man because of his fallen flesh(in the garden) as well as his fallen spirit but, if you want me to point out where I think that the bible states that our flesh does count for something(everything we do we do in the flesh as we are flesh beings)...what we do in the flesh counts for nothing if it isn't done with a corresponding God honoring spirit/attitude...luke 18:11-13...
we are to love God with our WHOLE spirit, mind and body...the body is the temple of God.
love michelle