dear Tammy...
you said: "Weeping indicates love and sadness... not anger and a call for vengeance. (that is religion; that is man)
Love and sadness is a parent or loved one weeping over children or friends who choose a path that puts them in harm."...
first of all I didn't say that the tears of Jesus are a call for anger and is a response to the grief He felt because their "house" was desolation NOT life...He was sent to gather their "house" to protect them from the desolation...but they didn't choose that. THAT is the gospel message...choose life not certain desolation!!!...Jesus said that those who don't believe in Him are condemned already (john 3:18)...just like jerusalem. *it should be noted that in a practical sense...those who DID believe in Jesus ALSO escaped the desolation of jerusalem.
but you suggest there is no harm in rejecting Jesus because once He is revealed from heaven there shouldn't be any resistence, all but the very evil will THEN believe in Him and be saved...but that isn't what the bible says...that is what you say.
...anyone who isn't in Christ will not be pleased to see Him...because the bible says that they await certain judgement.
Remember what the demons said?..."And suddenly they cried out, saying, “What have we to do with You, Jesus, You Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?”...2 peter 2:3 speaks of the judgement coming upon false teachers among the people...2 peter 2:9...WHAT does reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgement mean to you?...WHO is going to make this judgement?
love michelle