dear Terry...
matthew 1:1...that doesn't say that Jehovah tempted Jesus. it says satan tempted Jesus.
matthew 1:8...that doesn't say that Jehovah delivered all the nations into satans says that satan believes he is in control of the nations. Of course, God says the He Himself lifts up kingdoms and brings them His will.
you said: " Had Jehovah NOT delivered to Satan the Kingdoms and the glory the premise of the temptation would have been null. "...again, God does not tempt with evil. satan tempted Jesus with the easy way to get worship. Jesus rebuffed the offer in order to do the will of the Father the hardest way.
you said: " A distinction without a difference, I'm afraid " ...but there is a difference. you alledge that it was God who created the conflict about knowledge by putting a restriction on what adam could learn thereby causing him to go against his "nature". I said that it wasn't God who created the conflict about knowledge. God's warning was about death. satan manipulated God's warning about death and made it about God with-holding knowledge. as I said in my previous post: satan "made" the conflict about knowledge (where the original prohabition from God was about death.
"in the day that you eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you will surely die" the text certainly eludes to the fact that a day for God is not what we would call a day. As it says in genesis 1:9-13 the earth was seeded and brought forth all vegetaion on one day. that doesn't happen in one of our days. with this in mind, why do you insist that God is lying because He said in that day. that day could have been a mighty long time.
you said:" I don't understand your objections, to be frank. What are you on about? " objections are these: you are deliberately mis-representing what the text says in order to try and make it conform to your "bias" toward God. (you have said: He's incompetent, lying, murdering, spiteful and dim witted) you are misleading people with your mis-information and biased accusations and THAT is what I am on about...I don't want to see JWN people mislead...I think they've had enough of that with the WTBTS...
...and then on another thread you say: "I have nothing against God"...does this suggest that you might be confused?
love michelle