Many are leaving the historical christian faith without even realizing it. Maybe they've never read the NT or something but they sure delight in taking these people's word for what it says.
JoinedPosts by myelaine
"Christians Are Leaving Christianity by the Droves"
by designs inin the blog bloggers john shore, john loftus, and robert price are watching the dismantling of christinaity over the lgbt question in the us.
see the 10/17/2014 post.. coupled with the scandals of the megachurches lately many christians are asking questions for the first time on how things have gotten this way and where is the holy spirit to protect the church and people.. .
What are the ODDS Jehovah's Witnesses are the ONLY TRUE religion?
by Terry inthe entire organization shoves all its chips into the center of the table on one bet: they are the only mouthpiece of god on earth.. what are the odds to this bet?.
the statistic for christian denominations make jw's 1 out of 41,000 opinions.. a chance of 1 in 41 thousand is a tough bet.. _________________________.
if abc tv broadcasts shark tank and your tv receives mister ed .
dear Heaven...
yes, YAHWEH is a warrior. When He was the strength and shield of the jewish armies in the OT, He was a protecter of the israelites. At that time there were tribal wars...would it have been better in your eyes if the jewish people just allowed themselves to be taken in battle? If God wanted to help them become a strong people group whose identity would withstand partial assimilation (babylon) they needed to know that YAHWEH was their protection when their very existence was at stake.
the NT still portrays God as a warrior who will fight for His people israel. The NT also teaches that the "sword" that He and His warriors use in the final conflict is the word of God. The NT also teaches that the "fire" that will come against non-believers will be the Holy Spirit. The final battle of God is one in which the word of God is used in conjunction with the conviction of the Holy Spirit to subdue. Those who are (just like christians) convicted are said to be slain. Their life is taken and the new life is in Christ. Yes, there will be those who wont repent and turn to God and it is those people who will be responsible for the violence and bloodshed that is portrayed in the revelation. That is fallen mans natural response to the chaos that will result from all kinds of people turning to God in a very short time period. Many will be fearful of what is coming upon the earth but many will be angry too. You say no thanks now but, I do hope that you will find the Holy Spirit irresistible then so that you aren't one of the fearful or a victim of the angry opposition. God shows mercy in calling people to Jesus Christ/mercy one more time...those who oppose Him will show you no mercy. Revelation 13:7-10
love michelle
What are the ODDS Jehovah's Witnesses are the ONLY TRUE religion?
by Terry inthe entire organization shoves all its chips into the center of the table on one bet: they are the only mouthpiece of god on earth.. what are the odds to this bet?.
the statistic for christian denominations make jw's 1 out of 41,000 opinions.. a chance of 1 in 41 thousand is a tough bet.. _________________________.
if abc tv broadcasts shark tank and your tv receives mister ed .
dear Finkelstein...
abe had a point when he said this:
"Disputing the veracity of the bible is not a rational thing to do after asking about "the ODDS"."...
also, though I don't agree with a few of his conclusions, ablebodiedman's videos make for great topical bible study. The scriptural support for his study is extensive. The thing is, this thread asks about the odd's of JW's being the true religion; I don't think they are. I do agree with abe that the WTBTS will have a part in the end time scenario as they will be overtaken by "men skillful to destroy". (Ezekiel 21:28-32) whether the WTBTS chooses to walk in the path of righteousness is up to them but, the WTBTS as it is shall not be remembered.
Recent WatchTower article about Witch Hunting
by EverApostate inthis is about an article in may 2014 awake that was published about witch hunting.
it is a 2 page article on how evil the catholic and protestant inquision was, how wickedly they killed the witches and so on.. .
dear scotma...
you said, "Meanwhile, physicians began to recognize that such things as seizures could be linked to health and not demon possession."
So what happened to all the demons that threw people into convulsions in Jesus' day?
The nonsense of religion is the belief in any kind of spirit entity "good or evil"....
The demons have become mainstream, they're not promoted as part of "religion" but in conjunction with mind and body health. advanced yoga and reiki both teach that the practitioners are in contact spirit entities. a reiki master is a conduit for energy from spirits that he/she acknowledges.
"Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft" speaks about the same force that yoga does. "In meditation the mysterious psychic energy can be sent up through these centers. This potent force is called the Kundalini or Serpent Power. As the mighty force begins to flow within you, these vital psychic centers..."
"The idea that spirits can be the cause of ill-health and other problems has been a common belief among healers since ancient times. Jesus was said to heal by casting out spirits, moreover, present day healers continue to work with the idea that misguided spirits can cause problems. A plethora of techniques exists to release spirits which vary in effectiveness. I would like to describe a technique using Reiki that is both safe and highly effective. This technique can be used to release a spirit from a person or from a location such as a home. You do not have to be clairvoyant, be able to see the spirit, or know where it is specifically to use this technique.
Normally when a person's body dies, the spirit goes up to the light to be healed and blessed. However, in some circumstances, a spirit will become confused and not go to the light right away. The entity may remain close to the earth plane and dwell around familiar people or places. The spirit may become affected by lower desires and try to create problems for people. Usually this involves taking people's energy; causing them to feel weak. These spirits may cause confusion and other difficulties including poor health for the people they are in contact with. Sometimes they attach themselves to a person's aura, creating negative influences, or they may be connected to a home, hotel, or other building. If you are working with a client on a specific issue that doesn't seem to be clearing after several sessions, the client may have a spirit needing to be released. It's not necessary to tell the client they have a spirit unless you feel they will be able to accept this idea. If you don't feel it wise to tell the client, simply tell them you're going to use an advanced healing technique.
The working assumption with this technique is that the spirit is confused in some way and that is the reason why they are causing problems. The spirit needs to be healed so it can go to the light. This process is not a test of wills where you try to force the spirit to leave, it is a healing process. Also, you will not be using any of your personal energy in this process; an enlightened being will be doing the spirit release process for you and that is why it is safe..."
love michelle
Happy Thanksgiving Canada
by I quit! injust wanted to wish everyone in canada a happy thanksgiving day.. .
On behalf of my 3.9 acres of canada, thank you :)
psalm 107
love michelle
Early Evidence for 1 John 5: 7
by Perry initalic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
dear designs...
you are constantly saying, "judaism doesn't teach that". Rabbinc judaism is interpretation of the torah and there are different versions of interpretation. That's why there are various sects of judaism from ultra orthodox to liberal. Besides that, if you don't believe in God, it is hypocrisy to argue for what you believe the right interpretaion of His word is.
dear Terry...
you've said what amounts to: no one can know anything about anything from the bible because it's been tampered with and, "Evidence is a touchy subject when it comes to scripture citation, to say the least."...
you have cited the lost sheep parable as a portrait of the character of Jesus (matthew 18:11-12) more than once in your effort to prove that the WTBTS are wrong in their disfellowshipping policy. Don't you think that you owe the tax man something?
as far as I can tell you're as thick as thieves.
love michelle
Early Evidence for 1 John 5: 7
by Perry initalic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
dear designs...
Do you know the word?
THE word is ὑποκρίτης (hypokritēs) from which we get HYPOCRISY.
rabbinic judaism, which (as an atheist) you cite as the absolute final authority, is simply a version of interpretation.
love michelle
Early Evidence for 1 John 5: 7
by Perry initalic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
dear designs...
maybe you recognize this account...
once upon a time there was a jewish lady (representing the jews) AND a gentile lady (representing the church). The jewish lady's sons died and she said the Almighty had afflicted her. Then one day the gentile lady (representing the church) had a son (a kinsman Redeemer). The gentile lady gave the son into the arms of the jewish lady (representing the jews). Then the jewish ladies in bethlehem said, "here is a son BORN TO the jewish lady" (representing the jews).
ruth 1:16
ruth 1:21
ruth 2:12
ruth 4:10...11
ruth 4:14-17
love michelle
"If an existentialist falls out of the forest, does anyone give a shit? "..
the existentialist answer is: we are really all part of the bigger shit
Early Evidence for 1 John 5: 7
by Perry initalic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
dear kaik...
you said," michelle, there is also no credibility in NT. Christianity and Judaism does not believe in the same G-d. This is only your illusion"...
the Holy Spirit gives both the OT and the NT credibility not Judaism or Christianity both of these religions are part of the outworking of God's plan.
love michelle