dear TD...
you said, "If you view the Law as ultimately condemnatory, that's fine as long as you realize that you, as a Christian are not under it."...
I view the law as a guide or prescription for man to walk through life in the right way before a Holy God. I don't think that it is negative but positive. The reason behind paul saying it is "against" the gentile is simply because the gentile had never been subject to it before...we were "wild" so to speak. Much like the hebrews were before God found them "in a pool of blood (babies) and He took them in (gave them the torah) and they grew from children to a young maiden to His wife.(Ezekiel 16:3-14) This growth from babies to maturity is what is required in the "bride of Christ". I don't believe that paul taught "lawlessness" for the bride of Christ. He taught the gentiles that we were to put on the NEW man and leave behind the old man, that "wild, lawless man". In preparation to become the bride of Christ the gentile has to become someone that He can co-habitate with (lev. 16:32-34) not someone whom the law demands be removed from the camp. Christ went outside the camp to cleanse those ones so they could enter the camp...He didn't show this mercy (romans 5:8) so that we could go back to (wild) lawlessness but so that sin was covered by His blood and we could walk in NEWNESS of life. Newness of life for the gentile is a new path...God's path that He gave to the jews...that right path that is blessed and leads to blessings from God (deut 28:1-9)...these blessings were extended to the "stranger" in the camp back in the day just as they are extended to the gentile today...IF that gentile walks in "the Way" of God as the bride of Christ. The bible says very clearly that the bride has prepared HERSELF (some action on our part) and has washed her (filthy) robes in the blood of the Lamb...BEFORE she goes into the Fathers house to co-habitate with the bridegroom.