dear Fisherman...
you said, "Seems that Jehovah wanted to kill as many as possible by unleashing the Roman army at the right time, only after the city was filled, using the law of Moses as a trap to catch as many as possible"...
First of all...the bible teaches explicity that the jews are God's chosen people, the apple of His eye and the bible teaches that they have a huge part in God's endtime purpose for the nations. The bible teaches that you shouldn't boast against the jews because if some of the natural branches weren't spared the wild ones wont be either.
secondly, Jesus was in conflict with the leaders of the temple, not the "laity". God would not ordain sacred assemblies for all His people and use that occasion to murder them. To suggest such a thing is slanderous and I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you that you will be held accountable for every-word-you-speak at the judgement seat.
p.s. "Shavouth
Interestingly corresponds with God's Holy Spirit operative upon non-Jews"...
Shavout is the commemoration of the giving of the gift of the torah...God's means of teaching His people to walk in His way. The gift of the Holy Spirit was for the same reason. It was poured out primarily on jews in jerusalem at pentecost not non-jews. Jesus told the visiting jews to TARRY in jerusalem until it was poured out.