dear David _Jay...
"You said, "Do not boast over the branches," the Jews that did not accept Jesus as Messiah. "If you," the Christian, "do boast, remember that it is not you that support the root" of natural Israel, "but the root that supports you." Non-Jews are saved only because they believe in a concept that springs from Judaism, the Messiah. They are saved because the get grafted into Israel. Israel is not saved because it gets grafted onto you, Myelaine, at least according to Paul.--Romans 11.16-36."...
I'm not boasting. I'm not saying that christians are better at interpreting Hebrew scriptures than hebrews. We know what we know because of Hebrew interpretation. What I'm saying is...IF as Jesus says, "If you had believed moses, then you would have believed Me." IS the goal, then neither jew or gentile is in a position to boast. We both need God to open the seals to give clarity to the most beneficial meaning of scripture.
The branches are israel the root is the torah. (it is the branches that produce fruit not the trunk or the root, irl) Jesus called Himself the Root AND the offspring of David. The True Vine (and you are the branches). as Paul said, the natural branches will be grafted back into the olive tree to again draw nourishment up from the root ( not the branches).
"If Judaism is so "unfaithful" as you, Myelaine put it, why base one's beliefs on the myths and legends of an unfaithful people?"...
I believe that the individual people God inspired to write the bible were tasked with recording God's truth statements. I believe that God had His hand in the books that are included in the bible. Though jewish sages and christians can tease moral lessons etc. from the biblical accounts doesn't mean that these lessons are "of necessity" God inspired truth statements.