yes i believe that mankind could and would destroy themselves if God didn't stop the ultimate destruction. Why do I believe this? There are "good" people and there are "bad" people. We don't know like God knows and therefore we could be called fools compared to God. LETHAL WEAPONS IN THE HANDS OF FOOLS. I would say the outcome can be predetermined. And the end of the earth as we know it is predestined, blah, blah, blah, Who or what will stop the inevitable? MAN? No we are failing, things are getting worst while we are just becoming aware of the problems.
I was trying to pin down a "time" when man started measuring time. Obviously God and man "mark" time differently. We are a blip and God is eternal.
I don't think I betray free will. It is my choice to follow God in the first place, my choice to read the Bible, my choice to want to find knowledge and understanding in the Bible and my choice to continue in the wisdom that I have found with God. It would be my choice if I decided to scrap all my "education" this minute and go and kill someone. But free will led me to the Bible and a relationship with God and I am at this time free to continue in the path I have chosen.
Eze 3:17-21
You have free will to choose a different purpose, you also know the consequences of that choice, death. So I would say..If you enjoyed your purpose, saw that it was most excellent regardless of adversity, why would you want to turn. Reason would suggset that not only would you remain but you would want to share. Help others to find and maintain their purpose. Why would you do this? Out of love, not force. And If you say that knowing that death is the consequences takes away your free will I will show you that there have been people throughout time that didn't let a little thing like death force them to serve God.
I would say it comes down to this:
God gave us free will forever NOT a free ride forever.
He wants fellowship with His creation in paradise. That is why He created us, we were created fit for purpose. Evil was introduced, we choose our purpose, fellowship or not. God has a perfect place for fellowship with His children in paradise. Will you chose to be with Him.
I am enjoying our discussion I hope I can devote as much time to it as is needed.