Guest 77,
No and heard the name.
It's a small world isn't it? The seas shake and the islands move.
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
Guest 77,
No and heard the name.
It's a small world isn't it? The seas shake and the islands move.
what is morality?
how is it different from ethics?
do we just make it all up to suit our fancy?
Doesn't the AWAKE mag. pander to those who no longer question their "reasoning" abilities?
All their reasoning is prepackaged and tied up with a nice bow, they no longer have to use that ability, and the results are devastating.
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
apathy is lethal
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
Citi Fan,
I thought you said Satan was the wild beast
they are "a God" dual, separate but one in purpose, (no HS)
the true God is a trinity, separate but one in purpose
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
The woman(Christ's bride) crys out in agony to give birth........true christians lament about the WBTS(the harlot)
she is having birth pains.......................mass exodus of witnesses after 1975 that contunues to this very day
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
Little Toe,
Why did I divide 1998 by 6?
Mark 4:24-26 Why, if a kingdom becomes divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand: and if a house becomes divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. Also, if Satan has risen up against himself and become divided, he can not stand, but is comming to an end..........there's more about the people in the Harlot...they will be forgiven.
who are the persons of your dualistic demon-god?
Satan and the wild beast(the anti-christ) Would you say that the WBTS is for Christ or against, based on your view of their doctrines and practices?
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
2 represents the imperfect godship of the beast. He doesn't have the HS.
3 represents the perfect trinity of God.
I did not mean to be condesending in any way, I'm sorry that you took it that way. It's just so important that people ask for understanding. That is the barrier here. The HS provides the understanding to you to add to your hard fought wisdom and your conciderable knowledge.
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
1998 / 3 = 666
So what does the three represent, since it's a holy number?
1998 divide by 6 = 333 (a holy number) Father, Son & HS
Why do I multiply by 2 to get 666?
Because the beast is "a God", he has power and authority similar to the SON, but he doesn't have the HS.
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
I am telling you all my message because you have family and friends in the congregation of Satan. You can help get them out of the Harlot.
Little Toe,
I can show you the facts and point you to the scriptures, but God will show you the truth. Settle your heart and mind and ask Him for His wisdon, knowledge, and especially understanding.
love michelle