dear sabasteous...
I am a former promiscuous, cronic drug abusing binge drinker who was sexually abused for many years as a child into the preteens by a non-religious married man. any other questions?
love michelle
jehovah's witnesses have a vast array of buzzterms that are fed into them on a regular basis, not the least of which is the term "bible principles.
" for most of my life i was convinced that only members of the watchtower bible and tract society were applying bible principles in the correct way.
this was mainly because we believed we had the correct translation of the holy scriptures which was largely rejected by "satan's world.
dear sabasteous...
I am a former promiscuous, cronic drug abusing binge drinker who was sexually abused for many years as a child into the preteens by a non-religious married man. any other questions?
love michelle
jehovah's witnesses have a vast array of buzzterms that are fed into them on a regular basis, not the least of which is the term "bible principles.
" for most of my life i was convinced that only members of the watchtower bible and tract society were applying bible principles in the correct way.
this was mainly because we believed we had the correct translation of the holy scriptures which was largely rejected by "satan's world.
here are the lyrics of a popular song that happens to be playing on my radio right now:
Hide your heart under the bed and lock
Your secret drawer. Wash the angels
From your head won't need them anymore.
Love is a demon and you're the one he's
Coming for. Oh my Lord.
He's bringing sweet salvation, let temptation
Take him in. He's every fear and every hope
And every sing sin. He's the universe the
Love you've been imagining. Oh my Lord.
Oh my Lord. Oh my Lord.
And I am ashes. I am Jesus. I am precious.
Could I be your girl. Could I be your girl.
Put a chair against the door and turn the lights
Down low. Write a letter to yourself
No-one will ever know. Tell them all about
The girl who just refused to fall. Oh my Lord.
He is the very breath you feel inside your lungs at night.
He is the bitter wind who's drying up your appetite.
He is the darkness that seeps into your fading light.
Oh my Lord. Oh my Lord.
And I am ashes. I am Jesus. I am precious. Could I be
Your girl. Could I be your girl. I am worthless
Sounds compared to all your perfect words.
Could I be your girl. Could I be your girl.
Wash the angels from your hair won't need them
Anymore. Hide your heart under the bed and lock
Your secret drawer. Love is the demon and you're
The one he's coming for. Oh my Lord. Oh my Lord.
Could I be your girl. Could I be your girl.
if this isn't indoctrination for the future, I don't know what is...
love michelle
jehovah's witnesses have a vast array of buzzterms that are fed into them on a regular basis, not the least of which is the term "bible principles.
" for most of my life i was convinced that only members of the watchtower bible and tract society were applying bible principles in the correct way.
this was mainly because we believed we had the correct translation of the holy scriptures which was largely rejected by "satan's world.
dear sabastious...
you said: "My point is that modern society qualifies sexual relations and positions it into moral structures just as the ancient world did. However in the future, which is us, we still look at sex with a respect at the very least and generally look down upon people who show none for it."...
chaste conduct toward someone who you regard as your husband/wife has imposed can't expect God to regard you as having entered into the bonds of marriage (without the paper) if you are still promiscous or a fornicator. neither should anyone expect society in general to loosen its standards to accommidate a new sexual freedom that is being imposed on them.
well, actually the indwelling Holy Spirit assures a christian that His presence within makes them a new creature...and...1 corinthians 2:15.
...Sabasteous, I included the scripture from revelation as a warning to you to not get carried away with the beast's (and his kingdom/societies)prevailing tide which IS in opposition to the Holiness of God...
love michelle
jehovah's witnesses have a vast array of buzzterms that are fed into them on a regular basis, not the least of which is the term "bible principles.
" for most of my life i was convinced that only members of the watchtower bible and tract society were applying bible principles in the correct way.
this was mainly because we believed we had the correct translation of the holy scriptures which was largely rejected by "satan's world.
dear sabastious...
you said: "To have many simultaneous sexual relationships could also indicate use of sex to progress in some secular manner. I personally don't think the term should be limited to the mixing of commerce and sex. There is a broader principle to be found within society's general rejection of prostitution and it most certainly involves a religious reverence for the act"...
the pursuit of chastity and abstinence is, at its core, a christian desire to be Holy and "set apart" like the God that is worshipped. when the goal is chastity or abstinence the strict designation fornication or prostitution wouldn't matter.
sabastious do you favor a return so to speak to a "modern roman" society where the government and society is endoctinated to be permissive of an individuals personal desires...regardless. history shows that someone or a group that does take a stand for certain principles or "sets themselves apart" from the predominant societal "movement" draws negative attention they aren't tolerated (think nero et al) ...hey that situation has started to unfold in our society today hasn't it?
honestly, listening to you, sometimes I wonder if I am witnessing a beast trying to talk like a lamb or a christian in the middle of an epic fail. rev. 13:3-10
love michelle
jehovah's witnesses have a vast array of buzzterms that are fed into them on a regular basis, not the least of which is the term "bible principles.
" for most of my life i was convinced that only members of the watchtower bible and tract society were applying bible principles in the correct way.
this was mainly because we believed we had the correct translation of the holy scriptures which was largely rejected by "satan's world.
jehovah's witnesses have a vast array of buzzterms that are fed into them on a regular basis, not the least of which is the term "bible principles.
" for most of my life i was convinced that only members of the watchtower bible and tract society were applying bible principles in the correct way.
this was mainly because we believed we had the correct translation of the holy scriptures which was largely rejected by "satan's world.
dear sabastious...
you said: "Chastity and abstinence are not secular pursuits, they are religious pursuits."...
I realize that chastity and abstinence aren't secular pursuits but one of its "offshoots" the notion of personal dignity, as pertains to sexual activity, is not confined to the christian religion but is a secular "virtue" as well.
strictly speaking, they are not general "religious" pursuits either...there are and have been religions that practice "sacred sex", sexual religious rites...and don't forget the temple prostitutes.
maybe it is the case that CHRISTIAN religious principles (and their attendant virtures) spilling out into secular society is disagreeable to you? in which case, revelation 21:7-8 might be disagreeable to you too.
love michelle
jehovah's witnesses have a vast array of buzzterms that are fed into them on a regular basis, not the least of which is the term "bible principles.
" for most of my life i was convinced that only members of the watchtower bible and tract society were applying bible principles in the correct way.
this was mainly because we believed we had the correct translation of the holy scriptures which was largely rejected by "satan's world.
dear sabastious...
I hadn't mentioned the idea of sin. I mentioned dignity.
whether you place a promiscuous person's actions in a file titled "sin" or "not sin" doesn't have much if any bearing on the secular notion of personal dignity.
there are people who get caught up in their bad choices to the degree that they can't extradite themselves...if the whole country was left to their own devices where would the help (interventions)for these people come from but from those who recognize that there ARE limits to ones ability to control otherwise natural inclinations?...I think that these principles are beneficial as an (intellectual) barrier to wanton even lascivious sexuality.
you said: "I believe that the pedophilia rampant in the religions of today is a result of the clinging to ancient laws for longer than necessary."...
pedophiles and those who abuse older children sexually have been known to be married too, they are not just found in the religious sexually repressed camp if that is what you are implying.
love michelle
i have not been on this site for a while becausei have been working so how have people been on this site?.
cool. I used to provide weekend respite care for children with disabilities. it can be a challenge, but I'm sure you have noticed great rewards too.
love michelle
jehovah's witnesses have a vast array of buzzterms that are fed into them on a regular basis, not the least of which is the term "bible principles.
" for most of my life i was convinced that only members of the watchtower bible and tract society were applying bible principles in the correct way.
this was mainly because we believed we had the correct translation of the holy scriptures which was largely rejected by "satan's world.
dear sabastious...
you said: "Taking an ancient law on the subject of sexual relations from a world void of modern medical technology and directly enforcing it upon a modern day populaton is completely immoral and destructive."...
ancient laws/principles were articulated to acknowledge responsibily for personal dignity as opposed to the un-restrained or un-trained passions inherent in man.
we need to make room for these laws/principles if we want to live in a civilized society, don't you think?
love michelle
i have not been on this site for a while becausei have been working so how have people been on this site?.
what kind of camp? a summer children's camp or a seasonal campground? what type of work were you doing?
my family has been able to spend more time than in previous years out camping and stuff...unfortunately most of the lakes around here have algae warnings.
love michelle