dear NewChapter...
I don't like the fact that some people do go to hell. But I also know that God is righteous and He has sent His Son to save people from that place. Hell was created for the rebel angels and I'm also of the mind that they themselves have "created" it.
You have said that you don't think this earth is such a bad place to be. I know that living in the "west" isn't so bad at all, but there are places on this earth that are a hairs breadth away from hellish for most of the constituency. Whould you like this earth so much if you were living like that and everywhere you turned you saw chaos and misery and evil towards these poor ones without any relief in sight?...I wouldn't. The spirit of the most robust would soon wither while the body remained. The bible talks about this when it says that a man will hope for death but it will not will flee from him.
This is the darkness that will remain for those who refuse to come to the Light of the world who is Jesus Christ. You will notice that I say refuse...they have also, like some angels, rebelled against the Light. There are many, many people throughout time who haven't heard the gospel these ones have never rebelled...there is a difference between neutrality and rebellion.
When Jesus first appeared on earth it was noted that the Light had appeared and people were called into that Light. That Light is now in heaven in the kingdom of God. The absence of that Light is darkness...the same darkness that is spoken of in Jude 6.
I am not here to condemn people to hell or anything of the sort. I am here to warn people of the consequenses of refusing or outright rebellion against the Light. I thank God for the extra time He has given the church to sound the alarm. Those who will hear and respond to the Light are very precious to me, they are my neighbours in the heavenly kingdom.
The reason I am relentless in my ministry is because I take God very seriously. I have made confessed with my mouth and believe in my heart. I value integrity and loyalty. the confession: (the apostles creed) is a vow of sorts between God, the church/brotherhood and myself. When I see one of my brothers in the faith being duplicious by confessing that creed and yet encouraging someone who doesn't agree with that creed in their belief(ie: if one in convinced and confesses that the Almighty is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit then it is self evident that he is lying to God, his brethern and all the angels when he encourages one to believe that God is also NOT of that nature); loyalty to God and that brother compells me to say something. Not only for the sake of that brother but for the sake of the one he has been intrusted by God to teach and shepherd. The bible says that if the blind lead the blind then both shall fall into the ditch...the same goes for someone who is misdirected because they are being encouraged along the wrong way.
Now it is true that Jesus said that you have no need of a teacher because the Holy Spirit would lead you into all truth...but He said that to the teachers, the apostles who He hand picked personally...Tammy says that she doesn't need to be taught by anyone because she has the "spirit of christ" to teach her...but just because a spirit seems loving doesn't mean that spirit is the real Holy Spirit who leads into all truth. Seriously, she would have everyone believe that everything that Jesus said about the reality of a place called hell and everything He said about the consequence of rejecting His salvation and the seriousness of sin before a Holy God are "not coming from a heart of love" and therefore not from her "spirit of christ" which she believes to be the uncompremised truth. She believes and would have us believe that from the very beginning when the church started warning about consequences up until today there has been grave apostasy starting with the false pen of the scribes who wrote the gospel and letters that were collected to become our it was some big ass conspirecy to control people. Jesus called on "peter" to feed/teach the sheep. the bible is set apart from the evil perpetrated by some of histories "shepherds" in the fact that it remains and they are no longer here. "Peter" still feeds the sheep. And "peter" still has the authority to shepherd the sheep in absence of Jesus Christ...He never took that calling away and so when Tammy rejects the food/teaching of the church in favor of "a loving spirit" she is directly rejecting those who Jesus placed over her as an authoritive voice on matters pretaining to God, her salvation and the effective working of "the body". like the rebel angels she instigates chaos and rebellion...regardless of how sweetly she flavors it.(jude 8)
love michelle