dear Tammy...
I disagreed with your statement: "This world was not meant to have pain/suffering/death."...the bible says that it is this world that God confined pain, suffering and death to. it is His garden that wasn't meant to have pain, suffering and death, that's why A&E were cast out to this world.
well, when AGuest said that Jesus doesn't even exist it kind of allowed me to see her process of elimination...and that's why I asked you, since you are her sister in the same christ, what you think of her statement...because if she "hears" the same christ so much more clearly than can't really say for sure that your opinion is the correct one if it disagrees with hers, can you?...what if, down the road, this christ that you both hear tells you the same thing that brought AGuest to her process of elimination? what if he says that it does matter A LOT how you say his really matters because if you say it wrong, you are actually addressing someone who doesn't exist!
this is something that you should really think about because if you start to "hear" your lord as well as AGuest hears your might have to adopt this same attitude in order to please him...I mean, eventually, if you want to "hear" as well as AGuest so as to better explain your lord to everyone and stop people from calling on someone who doesn't even exist, right?...that is if you really want people to make use of the provision of salvation by use of that name.
personally, I wouldn't want to, nor do I encourage, hearing any incorporeal "voice"...especially that demon belphegor that AGuest has let loose.
love michelle