Moses telling the jewish people what God wants.
leviticus 18:1-5
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
Moses telling the jewish people what God wants.
leviticus 18:1-5
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
dear designs...
lev 5:11 is in the case of EXTREME poverty (no where is it stated that it is meant to be a permanent replacement for blood sacrifice) the fact remains...NO prescribed offerings have been made on the altar of God's holy temple since around 70AD.
love michelle
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
dear designs...
What you are saying doesn't agree with the word of God.
deuteronomy 6:24-25
let me get this straight... what you are saying is essentially, I can't go to the OT for instruction on God's law. to hear and understand what He has to say on any matter I should go to someone else to interpret what He if He wasn't capable of communicating clearly?
love michelle
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
dear kaik...
the torah prescribes sacrifices as well as maintaining the laws in order to have a good standing with God. So, your saying, "It is only yours own responsiblity to have a good standing with G-d. Salvation is achieved through obedience to Torah..." is true. What are the jewish people and priests doing about the sacrificial part of their responsibility toward good standing with God? ...hebrews 9:18-23
love michelle
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
I don't believe there is replacement theology in the bible, designs. Paul is explicit that the natural branches will be grafted in again. my first post on this thread says "presently under God's judgement" not God is done with the jewish people.
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
dear designs...
isaiah 1:7-15 sounds a lot like, "your house is left to you desolate"...does that mean that God wasn't their God?
And come to think of the religious leaders of their time (watchmen) it would be because of ezekiel 33:6 that the pharisees would say, " let His blood be on our heads." (Matthew 27:20,25) being that paul was called to warn the people as a watchman too that's why he said: acts 18:4-6 relating to ezekiel 33:8.
love michelle
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
I gave you an earful in a pm ;)
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
dear designs...
while it is true that a christian will look at the OT and see Jesus, going to jewish sources to get the right interpretation has its drawbacks. One being that jewish sources are obviously biased in favor of not finding Jesus in the OT text and another being as is stated in the OT the jewish people are presently under Gods judgement for their unbelief. The NT informs us that that judgement is His blinding their eyes once they had seen Him and decided Jesus wasn't their Messiah. God did the same thing to pharaoh, he hardened his own heart up until a point and then God let him have his way and made it impossible for him to change his mind...God hardened his heart. (The same "fate" awaits those who turn from the NT scriptures and teach their own thing, God cuts them lose to follow the delusion making it impossible for them to return...Paul called it turning them over to satan)
the last OT book written is malachi, it talks about how the priests despise the name of the Lord and how they are cursed, the people commit idolatry, rob God and doubt His character. "You have wearied the LORD with your words; yet you say, 'In what way have we wearied Him?' In that you say, 'Everyone who does evil is good in the sight of the LORD, and He delights in them,' Or, "Where is the God of justice?'"(mal. 2:17) I'm sorry but that doesn't sound like a very good endorsement for rabbinic interpretation.
love michelle
p.s. I wont take this thread off course any more, Perry. :)
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
dear designs...
since you said that the rabbis say that isaiah 53:5,8-10 is israel I thought you could explain why. Do you have any thoughts as to why a consistantly female corporate identity would change to a male singular identity? Do you know on what basis the rabbis chose to interpret these verses this way?
" for the transgression of my people he was punished." does this even make sense if the text is talking about corporate israel?
love michelle
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
dear designs...
throughout the OT israel is portrayed as a woman, God's wife. on what basis would a rabbi interpret isaiah 53:5, 8-10 (which is clearly talking about a man) as israel?
the age of peace that the jews are looking for is when their King comes to usher in His kingdom. The salvation of their God. Doesn't that sound familiar to you? It is the second advent that christians are looking for.
love michelle