you said, " Try this- Nothing about the Trial of Jesus is accurate, nothing about the accusations in the Gospels about the Jews is accurate."... do you prove to yourself that anything in the OT is accurate?
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
you said, " Try this- Nothing about the Trial of Jesus is accurate, nothing about the accusations in the Gospels about the Jews is accurate."... do you prove to yourself that anything in the OT is accurate?
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
dear designs...
Yesterday my comments were (mostly) about what the Torah said about personal sin and the means of atonement required by God. Sacrifice. I didn't say anything that should provoke the response you gave.
Not once did I suggest that all jewish people are "christ killers". it is a fact that today evangelical christian support for the jewish people and israel is in the millions...but I wont shy away from pointing out that back in the day every time Jesus was approached by the religious leaders He showed them from the torah that what He did was "lawful". Unsatisfied, the religious leaders appealed to the roman government and brought charges of sedition against Jesus when all He did was "the works of God". Given that the supreme judge of the land found Jesus innocent of the charges against Him AND given that the religious leaders continued to call for His crucifixion after being found innocent...there is no way to avoid the conclusion that they WERE sinning against their "brother" according to the deut. 19:16-19...19:20-21 implicates the multitude who joined in, calling for Jesus' crucifixion. Jesus died for THEIR sin. that's why He said, "forgive them Father, they know not what they do" ...
Holding all christians accountable for the actions of some is NO BETTER than some christians holding all jewish people accountable for the actions of some. Holding these views in perpetuity IS bigoted and it smacks of narrow mindedness.
Jesus paid the price for not submitting to "authority" and was Himself like two sides of the same coin and He said it best, " render therefore to caesar the things that are caesar's and to God the things that are God's" (matthew 22:15-22)
love michelle
Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit says the LORD of hosts...(zechariah 4:1-7 + judges 7:19-21)
from the confusion of a luke warm "israel" a Spirit filled, two pronged surprise approach WOULD set a precedent.
love michelle
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
we're not doing that at all designs, but nice try with your ad hominem.
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
Moses telling the jewish people what God wants.
leviticus 18:1-5
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
dear designs...
lev 5:11 is in the case of EXTREME poverty (no where is it stated that it is meant to be a permanent replacement for blood sacrifice) the fact remains...NO prescribed offerings have been made on the altar of God's holy temple since around 70AD.
love michelle
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
dear designs...
What you are saying doesn't agree with the word of God.
deuteronomy 6:24-25
let me get this straight... what you are saying is essentially, I can't go to the OT for instruction on God's law. to hear and understand what He has to say on any matter I should go to someone else to interpret what He if He wasn't capable of communicating clearly?
love michelle
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
dear kaik...
the torah prescribes sacrifices as well as maintaining the laws in order to have a good standing with God. So, your saying, "It is only yours own responsiblity to have a good standing with G-d. Salvation is achieved through obedience to Torah..." is true. What are the jewish people and priests doing about the sacrificial part of their responsibility toward good standing with God? ...hebrews 9:18-23
love michelle
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
I don't believe there is replacement theology in the bible, designs. Paul is explicit that the natural branches will be grafted in again. my first post on this thread says "presently under God's judgement" not God is done with the jewish people.
italic 4th and 5th century.
629 in the 14th century.
429 in the 14th century (margin).
dear designs...
isaiah 1:7-15 sounds a lot like, "your house is left to you desolate"...does that mean that God wasn't their God?
And come to think of the religious leaders of their time (watchmen) it would be because of ezekiel 33:6 that the pharisees would say, " let His blood be on our heads." (Matthew 27:20,25) being that paul was called to warn the people as a watchman too that's why he said: acts 18:4-6 relating to ezekiel 33:8.
love michelle