dear David_Jay...
you said, "Remember, our culture is very much a product of monotheism as monotheism is a product of the unique Jewish culture. The rules are not written in Scripture. For Jews the Scriptures came after the rules were set in place. Our worship is not based on Scripture as much as the Scriptures are based on what we believe and how we worship. It is a product of our faith, not its foundation or rule book."...
I guess I have to question "jewish" authority then. The OT is replete with God's desire for israel to return to those "rules" or the paths that were set "before" the scriptures. I can't imagine God asking the jews to return to something that wasn't clearly spelled out, which the law of moses is (in minute detail). Before Jesus came to Jerusalem the rabbis added to the law and Jesus found the need to correct them regarding those additions only (call these additions interpretation that formed the way they worshiped). Now it seems that the pendulum has swung the other way. With the various sects of judaism the more progressive form has removed aspects of the law in their interpretation of worship practice. I'll suggest the humanist approach has been elevated (though beneficial) to the same status as God's Holy law.(not sure if I'm expressing myself to be correctly understood here but as an example...) If modern judaism progressed to the point where a practicing* homosexual was welcomed and encouraged to be a member of the congregation because the judaic religion's "current understanding" is that it "is a value that serves humanity best"...though it is a balm to all and sundry, isn't the acquiescence to that progressive thought, without exception, a fly in the ointment?
It was said earlier in this thread: how presumptuous of JW's to think they can interpret the jewish scriptures, or something like that. I'd like to say how presumptuous of "judaism" to amend scripture thinking they have the authority by virtue of being jewish! (Paul said it wasn't the law that saved, it was grace through faith in the God who inspired the scripture...the ONE who commissioned the rules)
I don't know all the mysteries of God...yet...but I do know that Jesus is the written word made flesh and if He is perfect then the word/torah is perfect. My God says so. The Father says listen to the Son, He is well pleased with the Son. While I spent time in the city listening to the authority there I was eventually led out into the wilderness by my Saviour away from the "prevailing" authority. I started listening to the Son, hearing Him. That meant becoming torah observant to the best of my ability. I'm putting on the new man. It's great and I know that I will be judged, not by the religion and culture of the jews (that came after the rules) but, in the land of my nativity. Ezekiel 21:18:32.
love michelle
*if you wanna go there...