If the OT prophets hadn't said "the people have seen a great light" (speaking of the future) then I couldn't have quoted it as being fulfulled by you simply commenting about Jesus. The future that they spoke of has arrived and here you are talking about that light.
If the OT prophets hadn't said "the Servant will cause the gentiles to come to God" (speaking of the future) then I couldn't quote it as being fulfilled either but the fact that millions of gentiles have come to that God prove its fulfillment.
These aren't prophecies that were obvious at the time. Given the history of the israelites it's incredible that theirs survived as a distict culture up until Jesus' time let alone producing a Son that caused non-israelites to magnify their God. An improvement to the first phone was obvious, these prophecies being fulfilled was not obvious.
Greek and roman culture and their gods had far more to offer the gentiles at the time than Jesus seemed to. A hedonistic society isn't interested in eternal spiritual advantage, they're interested in pleasure now, not promises and persecution. No, it wasn't just a fluke that those prophecies were fulfilled...and they were fulfilled.
I wasn't talking about just any people knowing about the OT. I was talking about you but I can certainly include most of the western world. If Jesus hadn't been sent, the NT writers wouldn't have written about Him, the gentiles wouldn't have any reason to seek out the God the OT writers were talking about. The message of Jesus wouldn't have gone out over the world, you wouldn't have been a JW. The religious jews still don't proselytize, they're still exclusive, and people still aren't attracted to their God, per se. (People are attracted to the greco-roman version of Jesus...the one that has lost His jewishness). There is no reason to believe you or anyone else who is a not a jew would take a personal interest in finding out about the OT or the God it speaks of if it wasn't for the Servant that God sent. (Isaiah 52:13-15).