Reggae... Reggae... Reggae.
When I was waking up this music spoke to me in a way nothing else could granted I always loved this genre even as a witness, but during my exit a number of these songs and artist spoke to me in a way nothing else could.
we would all agree that music whatever its form or genre, speaks to us, maybe a favorite childhood nursery rhyme, maybe dads music,etc.
a lot of us where shut down to such wordly things, some were not.
music has always helped me in hard times, that song, that artist, that let's get moving stuff, what speaks to you, its not a cure all, but what do you like?
Reggae... Reggae... Reggae.
When I was waking up this music spoke to me in a way nothing else could granted I always loved this genre even as a witness, but during my exit a number of these songs and artist spoke to me in a way nothing else could.
thanks to wifibandit and pixel for collaborating on this.
more to come....
don't post much lately, but wondering what folks are watching.
i'm enjoying the heck out of "penny dreadful", "outlander", and "grace and frankie".
this is so stupid, but yesterday i was shopping and i saw this wild blouse and i thought-if i could dress how i really wanted to, i would buy that blouse.
i walked away and was thinking-why the hell shouldn't i dress how i want to?
because someone told me that orange paisley print is tacky?
hindsight: .
many times because of the shock of learning ttatt, a person loses it.
you want to scream and tell the whole world that the watchtower is a big lie.
hindsight: .
many times because of the shock of learning ttatt, a person loses it.
you want to scream and tell the whole world that the watchtower is a big lie.
"I think it's better for one's comfort and for the sake of true justice to remain completely outside of some organizations and drink your cofee with a free and unmanipulated mind."
hindsight: .
many times because of the shock of learning ttatt, a person loses it.
you want to scream and tell the whole world that the watchtower is a big lie.
I DA'ed, and I would change nothing. There is literally no way that I would allow myself to continue to be a part of that organization. DA'ing allowed me to be my genuine self in a way that fading would not do. I did not want elders stopping by, I did not want my parents asking me if and when I was coming back, I did not want people wondering if I was in or out. I have a few friends that faded and it is like the org gorilla is still on their back. We went to a local bar and two of these guys were still worried that someone would see them and report back which would result in "trouble" for them. They talked about selling their homes and moving away so they could "be free". I would rather play by what some would call "their rules" then spend my life running around and watching my step out of fear that I would get caught somehow. I do understand some having the desire to do it but it is not in my cards.
I sat down with my wife beforehand and told her that I was done and I was withdrawing my name from that organization. I informed her that if she was not ready to deal with it then I understood if she had to do what she had to do. She was hurt etc... but she saw that I was serious. My children as well, I talked to them and told them why I was leaving. They understood. I had to set the example and cut ties completely.
I can however officially say I am not one of them and no one can ever tie me to being a member of that group in anyway shape or form. I lost a lot of friends but ultimately I would not want to be friends with people who can not be their genuine selves at all times.
im here sitting and listening to youtube video songs and practicing on my guitar and checking out posts on jwn.
and one more thing, im seeing the spanish jws going door to door in my street.
they work my street every single week.
I feel annoyed. 3 months ago I left my gate open while mowing the lawn. They drove through my gate up my driveway and rang my doorbell. I looked at the cam and saw it was them and my wife told me to lock the gate so they couldn't get out.
i clicked the clicker and it closed and they did not realize till they got back to the car. The next 10 minutes we ignored the ring if he bell and enjoyed watching them get scared wondering if hey would ever get out lol
for those of you who left family and friends and had to start over from scratch just to get out of the organization, was it worth it?.
official current list as published by watchtower >>> here.
official list of governing body of jehovahs witnesses helpers.
list of governing body of jehovahs witnesses helpers.