James White linked to the Huffington Post article on this matter. He and Hitchens have a debate scheduled in August. This is sad news indeed.
JoinedPosts by XJW4EVR
Christopher Hitchens to Undergo Cancer Treatment
by XJW4EVR injames white linked to the huffington post article on this matter.
he and hitchens have a debate scheduled in august.
this is sad news indeed.. .
Liberals = Hipocrates
by Dark Side ingeneral petraeus has received obama's full support, in spite of the fact he was called general betray us by the lefties.. http://abcnews.go.com/politics/decision2008/story?id=3581727&page=1.
what say you, hipocrites?.
You want to attribute the words and actions of one extreme faction to all liberals?
Why not? Liberals do it to conservatives in the same manner.
WORLD CUP! US vs Algeria
by BurnTheShips inwe've been knocking on the door!
0-0 42 minutes in.
anyone else watching?.
One of the greatest moments in USA sports history!
WORLD CUP! US vs Algeria
by BurnTheShips inwe've been knocking on the door!
0-0 42 minutes in.
anyone else watching?.
I'm wondering if FIFA refs are under orders to disallow any goal that looks even remotely questionable.
What is a Plausible Naturalistic Explanation for the Origin of Christianity?
by leavingwt ini would be interested in reading your answers to this question.. .
a recent post a john w. loftus' blog got me to thinking about this topic.
in the post, loftus tells us that he asked victor reppert would it would take for him to give up chrstianity.
Sorry, dgp, I did not answer your question, because it was not a question but a sentence fragment that made no sense to me. However, you have rephrased it, and I will answer. First, I have never said the "no possible proof" is the same as "proof". This is an idea that is entirely of your own construction. Secondly, while you have pointed out that the production of a 2,000 year old corpse would extraordinary, and obviously too hard for skeptics to accomplish, I will lower my standards.
Show me something historical that would clearly demonstrate the existence of the body back then. Simple as that. Do your research and bring me something that impeaches the testimony of the disciples and makes them out to be liars, and I will reconsider my stance as a Christian.
BTW, your assertion that the body was hidden is just that an assertion with no premises that upholds the conclusion.
Lastly, I will no longer address your anecdotal hypothetical based further based on your own testimony:
considering the kind of like he liked to live, most probably he got killed somewhere
This statement seems to imply that your cousin led an unsavory lifestyle. This does not compare to the life that Jesus is reported to have led. Therefore your analogy fails miserably to account for the testimonies of the Gospels.
What is a Plausible Naturalistic Explanation for the Origin of Christianity?
by leavingwt ini would be interested in reading your answers to this question.. .
a recent post a john w. loftus' blog got me to thinking about this topic.
in the post, loftus tells us that he asked victor reppert would it would take for him to give up chrstianity.
One cousin of mine went missing and we never found his body. That was like 40 years ago. He would be like eighty now, but, considering the kind of like he liked to live, most probably he got killed somewhere. If someone came wth a piece of paper, saying that he died but came back from the dead, would you believe it?
No, based on what you have said. However, your antecdotal story is in no way analogous to the testimonies regarding Jesus resurrection. Thanks for playing though.
What is a Plausible Naturalistic Explanation for the Origin of Christianity?
by leavingwt ini would be interested in reading your answers to this question.. .
a recent post a john w. loftus' blog got me to thinking about this topic.
in the post, loftus tells us that he asked victor reppert would it would take for him to give up chrstianity.
Well, dgp, as the atheists say, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
What is a Plausible Naturalistic Explanation for the Origin of Christianity?
by leavingwt ini would be interested in reading your answers to this question.. .
a recent post a john w. loftus' blog got me to thinking about this topic.
in the post, loftus tells us that he asked victor reppert would it would take for him to give up chrstianity.
What is a Plausible Naturalistic Explanation for the Origin of Christianity?
I have yet to hear one. However, if someone would simply produce the body of Jesus, I would have serious grounds to dismiss Christianity and join the atheists.
And you wonder why Americans don't like Soccer...
by zeroday* inok so i thought i would give it a chance and watch some of the world cup...i got thru about 5 minutes when i had to turn it off...i mean really what's with the constant horn blowing....
I love watching football, but those horns just give me a headache.
What made Jesus' followers believe that Jesus rose from the dead?
by John Kesler inwhat made some of jesus' followers believe that jesus rose from the dead?
my best guess--and as e.p.
sanders says, we really don't know--is that jesus' followers--distraught, sad, and disillusioned--had visions in what we now call altered states of consciousness, a condition that can be induced by fasting, sleep deprivation, and fatigue.
John, Habermas did not say that this was the ONLY evidence for the resurrection. There are four other issues that have even great acceptance among scholars, but let's look at the empty tomb. The empty tomb is a power piece of the puzzle because of three factors:
Location: It would have been virtually impossible for Christianity to survive and expand in Jerusalem if the body of Jesus was still in a tomb. All the Jewish religious leaders had to do was show everyone the body.
Enemy Affirmation: The enemies of Christ claimed that the disciples stole the body (Matt. 28:12-13; Justin Martyr, Tyrpho 108; Tertullian, De Spectaculis 30) is indirect attestation of the empty tomb. Why would they claim that the disciples stole the body if they had the body in the tomb?
Women's Testimony: First, the testimony of women was not highly regarded in that day (Luke 24:11; Josephus, Ant. 4:8:15; Talmud: J Sotah 19a; Rosh Hashannah 1:8; Kiddushin 82b; Origen, Contra Celsum 2:59; 3:55; Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars, Augustus 44) . Interestingly, this is a factor that lands in favor of the truthfulness of the Gospel accounts, because this piece of information is extremely embarrassing to the male disciples of Jesus. Price's statement also makes one wonder WHY Christianity was so successful in gaining converts based on the testimony of these women.
Your assertion that the mystery religions had some sort of influence on the disciples as rather laughable. Historically speaking, such influences are completely foreign to the Jewish religion after their return to Israel after the Babylonian captivity.
The reason the women went to the tomb was to prepare the body with various oils and spices that facillitated the decomposition of the flesh, after which the bones were gathered and placed in ostuaries. This action is something that is consistent with the practices of the day that are historical and confirmed by archeological discoveries. Your dismissal is not a refutation.
Edited to add: I have addressed the hallucination theory on a previous post on this thread. I see no need to address it again, unless you wish to respond to my points.