In regards to a priori positions, hooberus, you said that the mainstream science journals were run by editors who rejected creation outright from the beginning, ergo the need for creationists to setup their own journals.
Don't you think that their stance is a conclusion that was arrived at by logical and objective consideration of all the evidence at hand? In the link you offered on pseudogenes there was an article by Gibson. Even he had to admit (to be intellectually honest) that all the evidence on the eta globulin sequences made a strong case for shared ancestry. Even if some non-coding sequences have been found to have important regulatory functions, such as binding sites for transcription enhancers or suppressors, this doesn't negate the other evidence.
Those creationist links you offered were interesting because I always like to see/hear how the debating side with the difficult to defend stance will argue it. If you truly have no a priori stance, then you can see how descent with modification is the simplest explanation.