Awesome! I've sent you an email!
greetings.. i have started a project that i hope will stay online for times indefinate, even to times indefinate.
you can find it at .. i started working on it in october and it is still a work in progress, however because of the shut down of the website located at i felt that i should release the site in "as-is" condition, instead of waiting until it was completely finished.. currently, there isn't a lot of content in the 'wiki' section of the website.
hopefully in the next few days and weeks that will change, however there are still programming issues that i have to work out before that can happen.
Awesome! I've sent you an email!
i asked my beautiful girlfriend valerie to be my wife on x-mas day and she said yes!!
just wanted to give y'all a shout-out.. .
Hey! That's awesome! So are we all invited? ;)
in compliance with the terms of a settlement agreement, my information and research web site,, is now "dark".
the domain "" has been transferred to wts (i assume they will have it pointing to asap).
my copies of the site have been destroyed, the files deleted, and my wt library cd has been destroyed, in accordance with the settlement agreement which will afford a "discontinuance" of their suit against me.
Nemesis, in the "whois" did you notice that the Organization name is Botchtower ? LMAO!
auld soul posted about a mirror site at and so i checked it out.
i went onto the homepage and surfed around a bit and clicked onto the "community portal" and found a download section: . .
Does anyone know how stringent the copyright laws are in Malaysia?
I just read that Malaysia is the second largest exporter of counterfiet goods in the world, second only to China.
auld soul posted about a mirror site at and so i checked it out.
i went onto the homepage and surfed around a bit and clicked onto the "community portal" and found a download section: . .
Hey Happy Dad. great to be back online! We're a 15 min drive from the "Falls" Longer in tourist season due to traffic, but close enought that it's convienient for people visiting me to go there, but far enough away that we're not getting people asking us for directions.
Auld Soul, it looks like it does allow for people to add content, but not 100% sure.
auld soul posted about a mirror site at and so i checked it out.
i went onto the homepage and surfed around a bit and clicked onto the "community portal" and found a download section: . .
Auld Soul posted about a mirror site at and so I checked it out.
I went onto the homepage and surfed around a bit and clicked onto the "Community Portal" and found a download section:
with the Pay Attention elder's manual, the OD book, the 2004 WT CD rom ISO file, and the child custody brochure.
Looks like the start of a neat site, but needs some organizing.
i wanted to find out if it was ok to post either picture scans or ocr word scans of the km for all to read from?
not sure about copyright issues, but didn't know.
what about other books?.
I know of someone very interested in putting up full scans of current WT, awake, and KM's despite copyright laws
i was at some friends' house last night (ex dubs) and another friend, dan (another ex-dub) was there.
we got on the subject of the cross and surprisingly, dan still believes that jesus died on a "torture stake" instead of a cross.
i was surprised and told him that there is ample historical evidence that shows the romans used crosses for cruxifiction as it had been around long before jesus' time.
happy birthday paul hope you have many,many more birthdays to follow.
love ya .
Happy Birthday Paul! I hope it's a good one for you!
thanks darling... dont have your new address to tell you the ear-rings got here today thank you so much ((((happy holiday
Glad you got them OK Grace! I haven't been online the last week or so, so I just got this now.
Yes, we made it safely! It took longer then we expected to get here, but the weather co-operated for the most part and the kids were good in the car.
We're off for Christmas dinner now with Mrs. Kwin's family, then after dinner with my non-JW family!
Merry Christmas!