Is it OK for your parents to be JW's? Yes. It's a personal freedom/choice, no different then being gay.
topic: is it ok to be gay does god approve of this.. i have a brother which i love and he recently came out of the closet, realy i'm not a baptized jw nor publisher but i do go to some of their talks with my mom and father.
i feel sorry for my brother because my parents oppuse it really bad... what do i do???
support him, in a way i think actualy know its wrong you choose your sexuality and he use to date alot of girls.
Is it OK for your parents to be JW's? Yes. It's a personal freedom/choice, no different then being gay.
well i've tried again to enlighten my mom about the wts.
when i told her i thought she was being brainwashed she replied, "if that is the case, then i want my brain as clean as it can be.".
Actually, that is the WT directed response to that kind of comment. It's been made from the platform at kingdumb halls and assemblies for years that "We want our brains clean so we are brainwashed" if you don't believe me, check out some of the quotes here:
In the magazines themselves they admit to brainwashing.
in the awake!
of jan. 2006, page 23 it apparently (i don't have the mag) states that the watchtower's new world translation is the only complete finnish bible.
could this possibly be true that after all these years there are no others in finnish?
Here is the quote from the article:
Awake! Jan 2006, Pg 23 (box on right)
The Finnish Bible
The first complete Finnish Bible, largely based on Michael Agricola's work, was published in 1642. In time, it bacame the official Bible of the Finnish Lutheran Church. Over the years the text received several minor revisions but remained virtually unchanged until 1938. The latest revision was released in 1992.
The only other complete Bible in Finnish is the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. It was released in 1995. Twenty years earlier, in 1975, the Witnesses had already published their translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures is as faithful as possible to the original text. To date some 120,000,000 have been printed.
Any typos are due to my poor typing skills.
i just went to look at something in it and to my great shock and astonishment i discovered that i don't have a copy of this!
i could have sworn i had it, but i don't.
does anyone have a link to it or can you mail the cd to me?
It's on
my good friend who became an elder just recently wants to invite me for service because he wants to talk about a few things with me.
well ... you have not commented in months!
Sell you book on eBay and make a couple hundred bucks.
search results
recently revoked - search results
charities listing: recently revoked.
I know at least one of those congs (Henley in St. Catharines) has been deleted. I would assume others too, but it could be non-submittal too. Doesn't seem likely though as the WTS would make sure their interests are protected.
yes, it is so, that i have a brain tumor and i will be going to the hospital in about two hours.
i will ask my son richard to keep all of you posted.
i have all of you in my heart.
OFC, I've been thinking of you a few times over the last couple months. I hope you're feeling better soon.
anybody here on the board make their own wine?
we just put together our first batch.
crabapple wine.
I love making wine and beer! Actually my Secret Santa (Insomniac) got me a home brewing book for X-mas this year.
So far, I've only made wine from kits, however I'm going to start making it from fresh grape juice this year. There's tons of excellant websites on home brewing (both beer and wine) for anyone starting out.
theme was based on the scripture to "clothe yourselves with the new personality" .
program had 2 symposiums and various other talks.
i didnt take notes... stopped doing that a while ago but i did manage to listen to some of the program.
Also an interesting comment from DO that the org is bleeding... he also said that an elder told him that their cong. is "hemmoraging"
Since they're refusing a transfusion, their future looks bleak.
This is a great thread. Thanks for compiling all of this!