real one, I believe that he is talking about the two different geneologies that are given, I think one is in Matthew and the other in Luke, but I could be wrong as to what books they are in, I don't have a bible.
sorry to saratonin wrath for his thread being hijacked.
real one ... please provide the evidence that you said was out there on this thread here to avoid further hijacking of the other thread.. insults towards non-believers are also better suited to this thread then the other one as well.. kwin.
real one, I believe that he is talking about the two different geneologies that are given, I think one is in Matthew and the other in Luke, but I could be wrong as to what books they are in, I don't have a bible.
enjoy the pictures.
i took these this morning and its cold out too -15c.. .
The rest of Canada sends it's snow up to Quebec in exchange for Celine Dion.
have any of you got a hand on this book?
Yep. Esp. the ex-Elders in the group. Why, you want a copy?
for some time now, my wife and i have met various people on jwd and we've developped close friendships with many of them over the years.
we have family members who post on here as well.
believe me, i wouldn't lose these relationships for the world.
For some time now, my wife and I have met various people on JWD and we've developped close friendships with many of them over the years. We have family members who post on here as well. Believe me, I wouldn't lose these relationships for the world. But, I've lately been thinking about the benifits of anonymity.
Really, I wouldn't feel comfortable discussing something of a personal nature on here because I don't need people that I know closely, knowing the personal details of my wife and I. Yet there is a need to as a lot of our relationship was lived as JW's. As we grow and learn as individuals outside of the WT box, our relationship changes and evolves and I feel that to some point I need to discuss them, but am frustrated that I don't have a means to do so. The changes that you go through after leaving are huge individually, not to mention as a couple.
Posting on JWD is great and any topic isn't out of the question, BUT when you get to know people on here you may either have to live with them knowing more about you then you may want them to know, or be stuck figuring it out on your own.
if you are searching for jesus i may be able to help you find him.
he is in the bible.
its like magic.
I think we are either dealing with a troll or someone very new to Internet forums and not knowledgable on proper etiquette.
You're right. And I just realized that I don't think we've given real one the welcome that he/she deserves.
Welcome to JWD real one! I hope you don't get offended easily or feel that we're picking you out because of your beliefs. But please expect that if you make statements, that people will expect you to back them up with hard proof, not faith and beliefs. Many here have been down that road already and need evidence!
if you are searching for jesus i may be able to help you find him.
he is in the bible.
its like magic.
Ah, I can't do that to you, real one. Here's the wikipedia link :
Now out with the Jesus miracle proof!
if you are searching for jesus i may be able to help you find him.
he is in the bible.
its like magic.
what is that? troll
Research it. That's how I found my answer, even though I found my answer myself and I have the link right here, I'm not going to share it with you because you need to find it yourself.
if you are searching for jesus i may be able to help you find him.
he is in the bible.
its like magic.
I smell a troll, of the Blackboo variety.
That's what I thought from real one's first few posts yesterday.
if you are searching for jesus i may be able to help you find him.
he is in the bible.
its like magic.
Ok well lets see the Bible tell prophesy that is true. You can find no error in it. Those other books are full of errors
Really? Have you read the bible? My 7 year old's math book has no errors in it either if I choose not to look for them.
Oh, and here's Jesus again!
sorry to saratonin wrath for his thread being hijacked.
real one ... please provide the evidence that you said was out there on this thread here to avoid further hijacking of the other thread.. insults towards non-believers are also better suited to this thread then the other one as well.. kwin.
And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
Hmm, didn't that happen in ... oh say 70 CE, several years BEFORE this was written.