I am posting a reply to this to see if this sentence runs off the page I know that perhaps this post should be in Tech support but what the hell, no one goes there often
i posted a thread on bill bowen's disfellowshipping thread and the sentences ran off the screen.
this bugs me no end when i see it on other posts.
and i have been wondering for a long time why it .
I am posting a reply to this to see if this sentence runs off the page I know that perhaps this post should be in Tech support but what the hell, no one goes there often
i posted a thread on bill bowen's disfellowshipping thread and the sentences ran off the screen.
this bugs me no end when i see it on other posts.
and i have been wondering for a long time why it .
I posted a thread on Bill Bowen's disfellowshipping thread and the sentences ran off the screen.
This bugs me no end when I see it on other posts. and I have been wondering for a long time why it
it happens.
I wrote this post on Microsoft Word and then transferred it here. Perhaps this is why it runs off the page.
Any one else have the same problem?
my disfellowshipping
as with anyone associated with jehovahs witnesses the worst possible news anyone can have is being df.
it means a loss of everyone and everything you have known all your life.
Bill and Joe and associates:
They, the WBTS , hoped and prayed that you all would go out with a whimper, and fade away with your fifteen minutes of publicity.
You all went out with a
Big Bang,
That is being heard and will echo from congregation to congregation for a long time to come.
belbab, still rubbing my ears and eyes.
next week begins the two part series on disfellowshipping.. i cannot say more at this time about my activities regaurding these two meetings.. i will however (with a blessing or two, a prayer, and gwens help) have a little surprise in two weeks.. all i can say is.....damn that tape hurts when you rip it off.. .
unseen apostate directorite, north american....covert operations division..
It has been rumoured that a middle aged, red faced man, slight beard, blonde greying hair will be attending the Thursday nite service meeting for nefarious purposes. May be seen fingering with one hand under a loose fitting shirt.
Please remove the wicked one from your midst, 1 Cor 5:
This message is from your ever-lovin, watchful brothers
faithfully serving you, from WATCHTOWER, BROOKLYN
Methinks we need some backup operators. Any volonteers.
Let Paranoia Prevail.
i wrote to the united nations friday so that i could get the information about the watchtower's association with them from the proverbial horse's mouth.
i want to show my parents that what i'm saying about the watchtower is not just something we evil "apostates" made up.
what i received was the exact same letter that i've found on the web, but since these are addressed to me (addressed to my email addy) from officers in the un maybe they'll actually take a look.
I have been thinking of writing to my country's representative to the UN. If people in different countries wrote to their representatives, perhaps we could get their attention a little bit more.
I think the UN asked them to resign, if I remember Hawkaws telephone conversation with Hoeffel's office, the lady said something like, No one messes with the UN. I am sure this is on the UN threads somewhere, when they first started.
i'm intrigued to see that prisca has decided to "come out" and posted her real pic, (even her car has turned up in a post by stephanaus).
termite has said "sod 'em all" with the result that her titian locks are visible in umpteen posts, and li'l toe put up his pic right from day one.. my question (to everyone) is this: do you feel that revealing your real identity on this site is an essential part of your departure from the religion of jehovah's witnesses, or do you feel that it doesn't make any difference to your personal growth whether or not you ever reveal who you really are?.
So Harold be thy name
and then is your last name Cult Evader
i was having a chat with my apostate kid brother yesterday about witness beliefs.
he finds that talking about jw's stimulates his mind almost as much as watching paint drying.
i told him that our mother was about to be imprinted yet again by the territorial wt savages, this time in the re-iteration of that loving practice known as disfellowshipping.
If they are going to this extent to have special meetings to introduce changes gradually through a sort of grapevine distribution system there must be something in the background that is putting pressure on them, some threat.
They are like politicians who leak out trial balloons to see what flies or not, and to see what the r and f 's reactions will be.
Their coverup on the blood issue, saying it is up to the individual's conscience, yet holding out of sight the the real consequence that will fall on the one who uses transfusion, may be coming thin and exposed on the edges. Some astute persons may be calling them on their subterfuge, and saying the WT is still legally libel.
Keep digging, especially in the UK, they may be meeting local needs there.
disfellowshipping, beyond what is written.
the greek word for associate has the meaning, mix up together, or mingle together.
not eat with such a one is a echo of the words in verse 8 above, let us celebrate the feast, not with the leaven of malice and wickedness...... .
Your profile says you keep Bible principles daily,
How about this one?
Mat 18:21 Then Peter came and said to Him, "Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times ?"
Mat 18:22 Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.
one of mine is.. a little girl set on her grandfathers knee.
she said "grandpa can you make a sound like a frog?
" "well yes, i guess i can make a sound like a frog!
This one was told me by a Polish elder who is now an exJW for quite a few years.
To establish superiority as an elder over his wife,
The Polish elder asks:
Who pisses in the kitchen sink, me or you.
i was trying to remember the correct german word for the state of attitude towards others.
that witnesses often show - i believe it is "schaudenfreud" - happiness felt when observing.
German JW,
Can you break down the word for us, what is it origin and the meaning of each part of the word.
May be in English we can change the spelling a bit
Something like, Shaftingfreude, Shafting gloat .
I think a synomyn in English would be gloating