Last summer On H2O a poster named Joe Black, said there existed some experiment that the Society or a group in the Society conducted and he said the experiment was a success, but the Society did not put the experiment into practice but he would not reveal the details.
In the last few months or so, In the Oregon, Washington area, there was a thread on this board that said, top exprienced elders were sent to these areas and they visited shunned ones and used kindness, and persuasion etc. to communicate with them.
Now Refiner, you come up and say something similar, but I see you are from Australia. Is the Society trying stuff in certain areas, to see what works best. I am only fishing here, does anyone else know anything about this. Does any one remember the posts about Washington /Oregon areas. On H20 the threads are still available I believe, just search all the posts by Joe Black. Zerubbabel should remember them.
Belbab, with his ear to the ground, listening