Well Honker Bruise,
I just reread your article. Just to show you I made it to the bottom, I include this following quote:
So what does a good right thinking biblebelter do with the guilt and blame? Pass it on to someone else.
So, allow me to digress a little. I have lived on the periphery of biblebelters since childhood. One of my elder brothers, a biblebelter, came back from WW 11 with a souvenir, a german SS belt about a quarter inch thick. Our 'old man' had abandonned us to the welfare and good luck around then, so older brother took it upon himself to be biblebelt administrator on his younger siblings. Since I was in my teens by then, he did not get very far with me. But I guess my youngest brother, [there's a few more in between] must have carried a good portion of the guilt transfer you mentionned above. I just learned recently what happened to that belt. Younger brother, found it and stuffed up the fireplace chimney that was not used. No one knew what happened to it. It is probably still there, for years later after that house was sold it was made into a heritage house and only certain alterations could be made.
Now thank God, the Lord called elder brother elsewhere, but I think he found another belt, cause he must have transferred a truck load of guilt onto his first born son, to the point the son disassociated himself from reality. Later, elder brother, went to the Lord in prayer and requested an assignment of all places, to Australia, But Goddammit, the assignment was annulled cause the Lord gave elder brother a nose bleed, which was unusual, he said, he didn't get nose bleeds often. He took his nosebleed as a sign the Lord didn't want him to go to Ozzieland
So then if not Australia, (you lucky buggers) he thought he would go south (from Canada) to the true biblebelter country, the uessov A. where he would feel right at home. Regrettfully, firstborn son, could not go, cause the U ess had enough firstborn biblebelt victims who were out of touch with reality already, so firstborn son had to stay in Canada, and has been washing dishes and making salads ever since, lives alone and out of touch with family and somewhat, but not too much, with reality.
Now above mentionned younger brother told me several months ago that he sent messages announcing the birth of a new grandson to all his brothers and sisters. He sent an e-mail to elder biblebelter to the south, and received acknowledgement with the words, "Sorry, busy"
Jeezus, Jeezus, Lordy Lord, you sure work in mysterious ways.
So getting back to your post, I wish to summarize it with the following Koan:
So HONK or NOT TO HONK? I tend to lean towards being a NON-HONKER.