The voice in the head was an order, loud and clear.
It said put the engine in gear and run the propeller with the starter.
if you travel a distance of 100 miles .
and the first half of the trip you go at 100 mph.
and the second half of the trip you go at 50 mph.
The voice in the head was an order, loud and clear.
It said put the engine in gear and run the propeller with the starter.
the following is a message that bill bowen e-mailed to everyone on the silentlambs mailing list on january 20th 2003 (bold was added by me):.
who pays for child abuse?.
by bill bowen, founder of
Excellent letter. Let's hope many will do as Celia says.
But the diehard ones, may start transferring their assets into other peoples names to protect themselves.
10 min: talk by elder.
"help at the right time" highlight that the special effort being made to assist those who are inactivate reflects jehovahs loving concern for his people.. .
help at the right time.
"Calamities encircled me until there was no numbering of them. More errors of mine overtook me than I was able to see; they became more numerous than the hairs of my head, and my own heart left me." (Ps.40:12)
Very interesting quote from Psalms. Is the WT telling the elders that they are making many errors or are they hinting that the WT is up to its ass in coliform laden effluent? Are they really downhearted, and lamenting the present situations.
because they have 5 beatings a week.
edited by - bhagavad on 20 january 2003 18:24:29.
Why are victims of child abuse in the WT so quiet most of the time?
Because they are only allowed five bleatings a week.
belbab, well, you started it Bhagavad.
if you travel a distance of 100 miles .
and the first half of the trip you go at 100 mph.
and the second half of the trip you go at 50 mph.
you are right on for that one, larc
well, today was 'wash day' at the laundromat.
it is also the time that i rid the laundromat of the propaganda that seems to collect there.. you know what i mean.
it seems to be a collection point for watchtower and awakes that jws seem to want to leave there.. today, i hit the jackpot!
Get a rubber stamp and stamp: Reading these magazines may be hazardous to your health.
the fbi has developed a new method of monitoring your computer activities.
they think it will not be noticed by you.. .
fbi monitoring method
two nipples?
if you travel a distance of 100 miles .
and the first half of the trip you go at 100 mph.
and the second half of the trip you go at 50 mph.
OK you guys, just because you don't know the answers, you didn't have to run away mad!
belbab has spoken
if you travel a distance of 100 miles .
and the first half of the trip you go at 100 mph.
and the second half of the trip you go at 50 mph.
Here"s another one, this one I swear to God is true.
Three young guys are trying to make their first fortune salvaging logs off the beach. They would grunt and groan with peavies to roll the logs into the water and then tie on to it and pull it out. For equipment they had an old boat, with an old car engine it and also a big skiff to row into shore with. They tied the big boat to some rocks along the shore and were working along the beach, when it was noticed that the big boat was drifting a way. One of them ran along the beach and managed to climb on the boat and started it an ran it out a ways to deeper safer water. Then the motor stalled and he couldn't start it.
The other two, dressed in heavy boots and working clothes, it was winter, and started to row out in the big skiff, but the skiff had been banged about so much that it leaked badly. They rowed out quite a ways until the boat was full of water reaching the level of their knees. They could row no longer and could only hold on to the sides of the boat, and hollar.
Now at the same time, a big ferry boat was going by about a half a mile away. The man trying to start the bigger boat knew that when the four foot waves from the wake of the ferry reached the two distressed workers in the skiff, they would be gonners. Water cold, laced up boots, and winter clothes they would not last long.
The old car engine wouldn't start. The young man was almost in tears. Suddenly a loud voice called out in his own head. He heard it and acted on it. And the two in distress were saved within a few minutes.
What did the loud voice in the operators head say to him.
if you travel a distance of 100 miles .
and the first half of the trip you go at 100 mph.
and the second half of the trip you go at 50 mph.
Here's another one.
A big semi trailer truck is loaded with heavy machinery and is over height. The driver is barrelling down the highway and tries to go under an over pass. He slams on the brakes, too late, his truck jams tight under the overpass. A big tow truck comes cannot pull it out, another one comes still no success. A little kid, tugs on a policeman's jacket. The police man bends down and the kid whispers something in his ear. The policeman rises smiling, walks over to the tow truck drivers and the rig is removed in about ten minutes.
What did the little kid whisper in the policeman's ear?