I want to thank everyone who is giving me advice. It really does help to know there are people out there who understand what I am going through. I have people to talk to here, but that don't exactly understand because they've never been in this situation before.
Before I thought there was a possiblity it would all work itself out and this is what I get for ignoring the situation.
The week before Easter this year, I did attend what they called "Jesus' Memorial". I have to admit everyone there was very friendly with me, but I understand what that was all about now. My bf lives with his dad at the moment (long story). His dad is the one influencing the religion on him. I tried to tell my bf that if this is such a good religion why won't his dad get to know me and his reply is because of the religion and because I'm seen as a "bad associate".
The only reason I'm sticking with all of this is because my bf is willing to do try anything if it means him and I can be together. He is not a baptized JW. He has only been "studying" for about ten months now, which is way to much as it is. There is no other family memeber of his that is a JW. It's strictly his dad and as I have realized they caught his dad in a lowpoint in his life-right after a bad divorce so that is how his dad got suckered into this stuff. My bf is 25 and very influential because him and his dad never really had a relationship before. In fact when we started dating, he told me he was afraid of his dad and now with the religion between them, they have a better relationship. Which is also why I think my bf feels he needs to stick with the JW because of the relationship but he won't admit it.
You don't have to worry about me getting into marriage or ignoring anything anymore. Or getting pregnant- we haven't had sex, right from the beginning we decided we wanted to wait and it was our own personal choice not religion. - But thanks for the warnings!