Thanks for everyone's response...even if it was negative. I think I would have a hard time believing it all if I wasn't living in it...that's why I was hesitant to post it. After the Trevor mess, I was very angry and you all deserve the truth and I thought now would be as good a time as any to post this mess I've lived through. When my now roommate married her twin's boyfriend I thought about call Jerry would make such a good show.
LeslieV - no..not all of my needs are being met. I agree that I have become her mother. And it is my fault for letting that happen. Since her health is better these days, I've starting going out more with my friends like I did prior to all this happening. We'll see where it leads. Thanks for caring.
The type of illness she had is call herpes simplex's when the virus that causes cold sores on your lip gets in your brain. If you look it up on the internet, you'll see that it can cause psychotic behavior. I didn't know anything about this illness until she got it. It's caused by your immune system getting bad and the virus gets in your brain.
I truly believe the stress of trying to be a JW, having a relationship with me, with her neighbor and trying to keep it all going and at the same time and the guilt she has for being gay actually caused her immune system to go downhill and that's how she got sick. I think it all just piled up on her. I'm just glad she's alive. I just wish she didn't think she had to change what she is on the inside for everlasting life. I can't change who I am...had my first crush at 4 yrs old. If God doesn't like me there's nothing I can do about it.