*Sulks off to KH libary to get back of his legs smacked*
*Sulks off to KH library to get bollocks bashed*
i pursonally think thei are very wrong!
*Sulks off to KH libary to get back of his legs smacked*
*Sulks off to KH library to get bollocks bashed*
this is a thread which was inspired by our own hot little mary.. jehovahs witnesses claim that since pentecost of 33 c.e., there has been a faithful and discreet slave class that was appointed by jesus himself and that this slave class was "entrusted" with all of jesus belongings ( dispensing spiritual food to his followers and the rest of mankind).
oddly, when it came to gods own word to mankind being compiled ( the bible), ......jehovah chose the catholic church to dispense, audit, compile his message!
imagine that!
From the May 15, 1995 Watchtower, pg. 16, which quotes from the book, God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached, pg. 344:
As to just how the "faithful and discreet slave" class existed and served down through the centuries after the death of the apostles of the Master Jesus Christ, we do not have a distinct historical picture. Apparently one generation of the "slave" class fed the next succeeding generation thereof. (2 Timothy 2:2)
(Red highlighting mine)
There's that proverbial "leap of faith" required of the R&F in order to remain in lock-step with the Borg. Jehovah's holy spirit has directed his "faithful and discreet slave" (WBTS) to paint a hazy picture of the form of the slave's existence for almost 2,000 years. Gets 'em off the hook of identifying who the FDS was in the interim from the first century down to the nineteenth.
genesis 6:5-7, 8:21. god decides to send a great flood to kill all humans, save noah and his family, because man's heart is evil.
"and god saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.... and the lord said, i will destroy man whom i have created from the face of the earth.".
later, after the flood waters recede, god promises never to do it again because man's heart is evil.
I counted 5 hours between posts. You are sleep-deprived. Too many of these and not enough of this !
Now get back to bed!!!
genesis 6:5-7, 8:21. god decides to send a great flood to kill all humans, save noah and his family, because man's heart is evil.
"and god saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.... and the lord said, i will destroy man whom i have created from the face of the earth.".
later, after the flood waters recede, god promises never to do it again because man's heart is evil.
Guess you're a light sleeper, eh slumbery?
i pursonally think thei are very wrong!
Personally I think the GB suck big salty ones
i pursonally think thei are very wrong!
Sikp teh cuonpos. I cna gte uesd dpeneds at a nrsunig hmoe nareby. Weher do I sihp 'em?
the university of awake
coldredrain must take all the credit for this phrase -it is a good one and deserves its own thread .
i have heard awake to the watchtower before.. are there any other good phrases you all can think of
We've actually got quite a few. Check 'em out: http://www.manythings.org/slang/
the university of awake
coldredrain must take all the credit for this phrase -it is a good one and deserves its own thread .
i have heard awake to the watchtower before.. are there any other good phrases you all can think of
Here ya go, ballistic ---
i thought i would let you know that my dad, passed away a little while ago, tonight, january 23. they called me at 6pm to tell me.
he had been failing rapidly for the past month, and had completely lost his hearing and was totally blind.
the dementia was extreme too, and he still knew me on thursday, but didn't wake up to know me in the following days.
Sorry to hear of your father's passing. My sympathy to you and yours.
"is satan another alien civilization ?
snake-like parasite, which lives in human host ?
is satan originally from the planet called hell ?
If that's how you feel then just phone home.