I do.
Posts by Kaput
I have news!!!
by Cabin in the woods init is amazing what can be done when there is a support system in place.
even when that system is almost totally verbal alone.. last night i told my dh that i was not content to just be an apostate but i want to do anything and everything i can to expose them and i have chosen to do this using my real name.
i followed that up by saying that there might even be some threats against me.
I have news!!!
by Cabin in the woods init is amazing what can be done when there is a support system in place.
even when that system is almost totally verbal alone.. last night i told my dh that i was not content to just be an apostate but i want to do anything and everything i can to expose them and i have chosen to do this using my real name.
i followed that up by saying that there might even be some threats against me.
Guess that's the end of the New England get-together.
Sorry, another 607 question? I'm confused.
by lost_light06 inim trying to figure something out concerning the wts 607-1914 chronology that has me confused.
i thought they based the chronology on when jerusalem was destroyed.
however, the following is taken from the daniel book and it seems to base it on something else.
It is not your business to decide what methodology the celebrated WT scholars should employ. It is their business and they have decided that 539 BCE is a adequate pivotal date for the reconstruction of OT chronology.
"Rule by decree" cuz this "truth will set you free".
HOW to CONVERT a JW from their wacky ways
by Terry inhello friend!
you and i have something in common.
you and i are both faithful jehovah's witnesses.
(The following announcement precedes all meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses)
"There is nothing wrong with the information presented. Do not attempt to ask questions. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We can reduce the focus to a soft blur, or sharpen it to crystal clarity. We controlled the past. We control the present. We will control the future. Please sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to...Jehovah's organization."
I'm going back to the JW's
by Honesty inif you can acccurately disprove the mathematics in the following i will be at the local kingdom hall first thing in the morning and ask the elders if i may rejoin them in worship.. here is some information i have compiled regarding what the watchtower has printed in regards to the babylonian kings and how the lengths of their reigns can be calculated to arrive at the date of the destruction of jerusalem by nebuchadnezzar.
if you're like me you've probably remained totally clueless whenever the subject of the chronology leading to back 607 b.c.
as the date for the destruction of jerusalem by nebuchadnezzar comes up.
But of course that is of no importance for chronology because exact or precise dates are unimportant.
Great. Now we can finally move on from this 607 thingy.
An intriging tale of corruption in the congregation {Mark Heber Miller}
by sf inhttp://www.nazarene-friends.org/pubs/confessions/000.htm
i haven't read marks story in a while and was looking for the part where he states ted jaracz went out in field service with him and a few other brothers back in the 70's, in newport beach/ balboa island, for another thread here.. if you grew up in southern california as a jw, you might find it a very intriging tale of just how the elite congs were being run.
i know for myself it is like trying to fit pieces of a puzzle.
However, the fantastical nature of a great deal of his tale, calls into question everything he writes. My bullshit meter was pinging pretty loudly, but it went off the charts when I got to the point of his tale where he claims that out of 100 elders, he was the ONLY ONE... blah blah. I just can't buy it.
He's probably just following the example of "loopy" Freddie Franz with his Rhodes Scholarship story.
Some apostates are more equal than others...
by slimboyfat inever noticed that the most cleverest apostates are the ones that were "brought up in the truth"?
i mean people like little toe, leolaia and narkissos who provide the most intelligent dicsussions on the forum - they never chose the witnesses, but were dragged up in it.
do you think maybe they can't help but look down on the rest of us who were stupid enough to actually choose to become witnesses?
But I have to say that when I researched "the truth", it felt like it was a sin. What I was doing would have been considered "apostasy"...it definitely was not encouraged. I was once brought before the elders who wanted to know if I was "trying to disprove the truth".
Hmmmmmmm.....in the "immortal" words of "Captain Caveman" Knorr from page 391 of the book Living Schools of Religion: "To disagree is not intolerant; to gag those who do disagree with you is intolerant."
Greg Stafford --- Update
by ExpandedMind ingood morning!
i found this post on channel c and thought i'd share it with those of you who are interested.
happy new year to all of you!
I e-mailed him a couple of months ago and he seemed a little paranoid. Guess the walls are closin' in.
Some apostates are more equal than others...
by slimboyfat inever noticed that the most cleverest apostates are the ones that were "brought up in the truth"?
i mean people like little toe, leolaia and narkissos who provide the most intelligent dicsussions on the forum - they never chose the witnesses, but were dragged up in it.
do you think maybe they can't help but look down on the rest of us who were stupid enough to actually choose to become witnesses?
But I must admit, that those who were brought up Witnesses and left tend to be smarter than us dummies who chose to join.
I don't think Dave Reed or Barbara Anderson are dummies.
Too many revisions, translations, copies over hundreds of years to ever remain the pure and unadulterated "word of God", if it ever was. Where is the "Master Copy", protected by cherubs with flaming swords? If God wanted to ensure its veracity, he would surely have done as much for "his word" as he did to keep Adam and Eve away from the tree of life. My 2 cents.