Possibly good advice if it was meant as advice. I don't think anyone read it that way.
This isn't my fault! So why am i being attacked for YOUR false interpretations of my writing
It really sounds like you were saying quit your crying and do something constructive. You don't have anything unique to cry about.
Well AS I'VE SAID IN TWO LATER POSTS this isn't how i meant it.
Then you take the high and mighty road.
I don't understand how sharing the tragedy of my friends takes the 'high and mighty road.'? This is merely how you interpret it as you have already formed an inacurate opinion of me.
Feel free to share these stories just don't tell ex-jws that they should get over their experience just because someone else had a bad experience.
Again that's not what i was saying as i have stated several times in other posts.
THAT is what YOU don't understand. THAT is why maybe you need to sit back and learn from the other posts before opening your mouth about things you don't understand and insulting the very people you come to for support and understanding.
So let me get this straight. Becuase I haven't been through what you have i don't have a right to give my opinion. Because I am 'worldly' I haven't the right to post here. Sounds like a predjudice to me. Again this auro of 'you have the audacity to give your two cents to us!' You hold a condesending attitude towards me. It is even more obvious to me now. My whole point in posting was to give an OUTSIDERS opinion of the question at hand. 'this is how you may come across to someone who deosn't know any better' was my point. I DO know better. I do not beleive that Ex-JWs are like that (as I have said in my other posts...i feel like a broken record) Again i don't understand the backlash- 'you have no right to speak to me as you are not just like me' it seems so borg mentality like.
A sincere apology would have been sufficient to soothe the hurt feelings brought on by this "misunderstanding". A sincere apology is NOT followed by the word BUT. It is NOT followed with more insults.
Just try that and take this as friendly advice.
OK...so can i have my appology for everyone misunderstanding what i wrote and then expecting me to defend my mere suggestions. Oh...that's not what you meant. I should appologise for YOUR misunderstandings. Still don't get it. I appologised for offending those i didn't intend for THREE POSTS NOW. Read any one. This is rediculous. I've written several posts to better explain what i ACTUALLY meant by my first post yet I am coontinually quoted from my first post.
Here's an example of how this discusion feels:
Very first poster-'question'what does a vaccuum cleaner say?'
Me-'you suck'
insulted person #1-'Hey...i don't like your tone!'
Me-'oh I'm sorry, I just meant that that's what a vacuum cleaner says. It was in reference to the asked question'
Insulted person #2-'it was really rude of you to tell me i suck and I'm am offended. Get out of here. you don't understand where we are coming from. You shouldn't be posting!
Me-'Well...i already stated I was sorry but it's all a misunderstanding i wasn't saying YOU suck i was saying the vacuum cleaner sucks'
Insulted person #3- You really should mind you own buisness and not post here as you don't know if a vacuum cleaner says i suck or not. Maybe you should sit back and read instead of giving you two cents on a question in a discusion board. How dare you discuss things on a discusion board. But I'll take an appology for OUR misunderstanding your post.'
Me- 'wha???!?@?!#?@$*^$@&*$ So confused!'