Being a lawyer myself, I just love those accounts.
I had read those before, but now I'll be sure to save them to disk.
not sure if this has been posted before, but it made me laugh .
these are from a book called disorder in the american courts and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and now published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while these exchanges were actually taking place.. .
q: what is your date of birth?.
Being a lawyer myself, I just love those accounts.
I had read those before, but now I'll be sure to save them to disk.
6 months ago i was promoted to ward manager in the hospital i work in, and despite all the stress that goes with working in healthcare (particularly the good ol nhs!
) i come home usually knackered but still pleased that this is the job/career path i have chosen.
managing nurses brings its own headaches, and without wanting to sound sexist, it is sometimes difficult to work alongside a whole group of women and try to keep a happy ship with all the personalities that come into play.
There's no rule of thumb. But males tend to be better bosses. They usually don't feel as if they had something to prove (which eventually burdens the subordinate, not the boss).
I had a boss (female) who would always say to customers: "WE will take care of that". Then, as soon as they left, she'd hand all the work to ME (anyway, I had a male boss who did just the same. You get the work and they get the credit).
So, I guess bosses, in general, suck!
i was born in 1964, a convenient 50 years after 1914. even in my early teens i was doing the sums.
i had a worse case scenario figured out - if the 1914 generation could apply to babies and even if they lived to be a 120, i would still only be about 70 years old after they'd all died!
i figured that i was part of the first wave of 'jehovah's people' that really would live to see the new order - guaranteed!!
I took it as coming straight from God's mouthpiece!
Edited to add:
UncleBruce, you seem to be a nice fella to listen to!
hey folks,.
an era in the ex-jw history is over.
kent steinhaug's site http://watchtower.observer.org is being shut down.. it was the first of it's kind, and to this day probably still the largest anti wt site on the net.
Maybe he can reformulate the site? Or does all the material depend on such software?
...then take this bible quizz:.
my score was 7/10... not too bad!
I must add that I have just read the book of Genesis, and Exodus, so some questions were giveaway.
...then take this bible quizz:.
my score was 7/10... not too bad!
...Then take this bible quizz:
My score was 7/10... not too bad!
what biblical belief do you think they have correct compared to other religions?
There's no immortal soul, God is not a Trinity, no Fiery Hell, Earth not 6,000 years old. No need to keep a Sabbath.
i am so terrified!.
#2 daughter came home from college on 12/18 with a violent headache, nausea, neck pain and great fatigue.
we took her to the dr. on the 20 and again on the 21st as she had kept nothing down for 3 days.
Glad to know it's not malignant. So it must be unlikely to recurr. Let's hope that this event soon passes by.
We keep you in our prayers!
hey all, i just took some "after" pictures today and need to share with my friends.
as some of you know, i lost a bit of weight recently.
(by eating less, eating better and exersizing - it actually works sometimes!)..
You look sooooooooooooooooo hot!!
I also want your bo..... ah, nevermind! (just kidding)!
hey all,.
gina's got her own account now, she's freedomfrog.
hopefully she'll tear herself away from u.n., blood, birthday, and whatever else research long enough to say 'hi' back!.
Welcome, FreedomFrog! We can relate to the feeling of being caught in a whirlwind, once we find out the truth about the 'troof'.