Despite it all, you have grown to be a very good son! Maybe you realized that deep down inside she was lost and disoriented, and was a victim, too.
Wish you all the best!
you forgive her for never not once setting foot in your house.. you forgive her for yelling at you almost every day, because if she hadnt yelled at you, if she had been one of those calm-voiced, even-tempered kind of moms, the kind who wasnt enraged by a child who bumped the vacuum into the furniture or one who didnt always scrub out the sink with zud after washing the dishes, then you wouldnt, years later, have been able to recognize the shock and pain in your own daughters eyes when you lose your temper and lash out stupidly, momentarily, always apologetically (after the fact), but never, it seems, for the last time (unfortunately) and without the memory of a childhood filled with longing for an inch of approval from the one person who refused to give it, then you might not have recognized that same desire and need for acknowledgement in your own child and you might not give it to her at every opportunity (as you do, as she deserves).. you forgive her for waiting five days to take you to the doctor when you broke your wrist, because those five days of pain, during which you were encouraged to just stop babying it, will lead to the first of only two apologies she will ever extend to you.
she just couldnt imagine how anyone could break a bone the way you described it happening.
you seek a small measure of revenge by waiting 20 years to tell her how you really broke it.. you forgive her for slapping you when you laughed at her during one of her screaming fits.
Despite it all, you have grown to be a very good son! Maybe you realized that deep down inside she was lost and disoriented, and was a victim, too.
Wish you all the best!
even if you don't believe in what you'd preach, would you accept being a jw in return for a salary?.
why not?
Hell, no! I'd rather work as a thrash collector than as a trash dispenser.
the amp on my record player just blew out in the middle of the cult's "sweet soul sister" from the sonic temple lp.. now i can't listen to any records until i get a new one!
any leads on a cheap, gentley used one?.
...keep on pushin til the dawn, well well well...
(Sorry, I just couldn´t resist...)
Hope you fix it soon. You´ve got nice taste in music!
I may be mistaken, but I think I heard a similar story before, when John Paul II was the Pope...
a number of people of late have noticed the concilliatory stance i take towards the jehovah's witnesses -- both as individuals and even as an organization.
they have quite rightly pointed out that i appear to "defend" the organization and it's members from attacks that i feel are unwarranted or unnecessary.
too often, i feel, this forum becomes a gripe session in which mighty ex-jw throngs feel the need to paint the organization or individual jws as totally devoid of any good qualities whatsoever.
Terry, I love your style!
that is some nasty crap.
i mixed the power with cold water.
it tasted like puke.
Yeah! You don't have to train everyday. Remember: the single most common error for weightlifters is to overtrain. If you do train everyday, be sure to alternate body parts... training the same muscles everyday is going to deplete their recovery abilities.
that is some nasty crap.
i mixed the power with cold water.
it tasted like puke.
Glad to know that almost everybody hates it as much as I do...
so today, after the meeting, one of the elders from my jc walks up to me and my mother and asks if we had time to talk.
thankfully, i had to get to work, and mom wasn't feeling great.
we said today wasn't good.. so basiccally he said that he and another brother want to meet with us on wednsday night, after the tms, to "see how things are going".. so here's quandry:.
Yes, I do live some things vicariously through you... it´s like watching a movie or reading a book. Keep us informed!
for me i got into nirvanva again...listening to "lithium" chills me out
The album "superstition", by Siouxsie and the Banshees (Yeah, I'm a 80's addict!).
and there were giants in those days genesis 6:4
there is a simple principle of physics that has changed the way i look at the universe.
it has also prevented me from being taken in by a huge array of common legends and misconceptions.
Reading this thread I realize how hard it is to believe the unbelievable... Bible-thumpers may convince themselves with the maybes. I would rather stick to the facts. And what I see as facts, right now, doesn't make me afraid of giants, or even of a bloodthirsty god...