I did my very best. He promised the letter. As soon as it's received, it will go up.
JoinedPosts by biblexaminer
Latest UN info; 7:00 pm eastern time
by biblexaminer inlatest un information as of 7:00 pm eastern time (canada/us).
i spoke to the man who heads the ngo office at united nations headquarters.
i will not release his name at this point because i was asked not to by the individual who gave me the contact information.
Latest UN info; 7:00 pm eastern time
by biblexaminer inlatest un information as of 7:00 pm eastern time (canada/us).
i spoke to the man who heads the ngo office at united nations headquarters.
i will not release his name at this point because i was asked not to by the individual who gave me the contact information.
Latest UN information as of 7:00 PM eastern time (Canada/US)
I spoke to the man who heads the NGO office at United Nations headquarters. I will not release his name at this point because I was asked not to by the individual who gave me the contact information. In all likelihood, his name will find a broad audience as per the information he will provide.
He said that many persons had called regarding the Watchtower's involvement with the United Nations, and expressed curiosity with this phenomenon.
What I told him.
I told him first of all that I was risking much by speaking with him. I told him how my family would be affected if my connection in this regard became known. I explained the shunning and slander I would undergo, and how I would end up in divorce court fighting for custody of my children. I told him how my house would need to be sold, as our assets would be divided. I made it clear that my way of life would disintegrate and my relationship with my wife and children would never be the same. He seemed to understand, although outsiders can never really grasp the gravity of it, and the reality of the pain. Outsiders seem to think it's an easy thing to just walk away. In any case he listened as I pleaded my case.
What he would do.
He said that he would be willing to draw up, on UN stationary, a letter stating that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has voluntarily withdrawn association with the United Nations Department of Public Information as an NGO as per October 10, 2001.
What he said he could not do.
He explained that the information, like the actual copies of the Watchtower's application, would not be available. This made me very sad and I began to get somewhat desperate, although I kept my demeanor. He also explained that the Watchtower had called this morning, October 10, 2001 and withdrew their association. His did not indicate that the UN in any way initiated any action to precipitate this.
Will the United Nations take any action against the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society?
Unfortunately not. Apparently, submitting a false and misleading application or supplying false information to the UN is not a crime. The penalty for doing what the Watchtower has done is the loss of status as an NGO, and this, the WTBTS has willingly thrust aside in their present attempt to whitewash this chapter of their history.
I was in the parking lot on my cell phone pleading with him, asking him to understand that six million Watchtower constituents have been lied to by this duplicitous organization, which is now going to get away with this.
I explained thoroughly the shunning doctrine and how this organization is corrupt, how this incredibly arrogant institution had repeatedly derided the UN, even going as far as the time they quoted the preamble to the UN charter and then making fun of it in a Watchtower article in 1995. I explained how the WTBTS referred to the UN as a "counterfeit peace organization" which God will destroy. I told him how the WTBTS jeered at the UN as a "disgusting" "failure" and a "beast". I told him that I would send him the WT library Cdrom with the manual so that they could see how the Watchtower views them, but alas it was a moot point since the WTBTS had already withdrawn association.
He wanted to know why all this fuss, so I explained how the truth about the Watchtower would pull off the wool from so many eyes, such that millions of people would be spared a wasted life and the many people that are enduring ruined families could once again be united. I compared the situation to being a Catholic and finding out that the Vatican has joined the KKK -although I made clear that this comparison really did not do the situation justice- since in the eyes of the JWs in the world, the UN is like the Devil. I pleaded again with him for help in exposing the Watchtower.
He offered me luck on my quest.
I hope that we can make good use of what he would provide, and this letter will be up on the www in a few days or so.
In closing, I would like to note that I am somewhat disappointed, although I suppose we all knew the route this would take. I even tried to light a fire underneath him by explaining a page from the Watchtower's history regarding the letter that the president JF Rutherford sent to Adolf Hitler -as recently uncovered from Nazi archives.
I told of the manner in which JFR taught about himself, bequeathing himself a type of Godship. I explained that Hitler slew 6 million Jews and Rutherford gave Hitler encouragement to commit such by deriding the Jews to him. That's all that that maniac needed was encouragement. I also told of how the WTBTS (via JFR) ran down the United States and Great Britian in this letter to Hitler.
I spoke of how JW's view the WTBTS today, like God, and how any help he could offer would be doing a service to millions.
At least we will have something.
WTS - UN/NGO = Damage limitation started
by kimberly ini could kick myself about all this.
i read the guardian every day and yet monday, because i was late for work, i didn't bother to buy it.
now i can't help thinking, if only i'd bought a copy on monday, shown it to my family (innocently, of course) and then let them have their own doubts.
What matters is NOT what the WTBST says/does with respect to this.
What matters is what the UN does. I am sending the Watchtower Library 1999 on CD rom to the NGO dept. to be used in their investigation.
Phone conversations and correspondence will be used to streamline their approach so as to get the full effect.
Who gives a poop what the GB spout/do. Let's set the "beast" on them.
Is the UN 'scandal' the big one ?
by Simon inlooking at the stats, there are well over 14,000 views of the thread about the un.
the next 'most read' thread is around 9,500 so it is clearly a burning issue.. i wonder if the involvement with the un is the biggest threat to the wts?.
they are getting badly burnt because of their covering up child abuse and www.silentlambs.org is doing a great job of raising the profile of this but even so, i can see the 'mental defense mechanism' of many jws excusing this as 'individuals imperfection'.. they cannot excuse the gb getting in bed with the un.
I tried out the "UN" info on a loyal "dub" friend today. A test... you know.
Anyway, I said "I found something interesting on the UN web site,... I found out that the WTBTS is an NGO"...
He replied to a startled me "... a Non Governmental Organization"
I said in a surprised fashion "...Oh..you already knew that?"
And he said "I know what an NGO is..."
Then he changed the subject. Very odd.
I think that my "dub" friend might be reading this thread right now.
Anyway, he didn't want to talk about it. Now... he's not a computer person... He just recently got one and is still computer illiterate.
So whazup witt him? Did somebody already tell him? How much does he already know, such that he could rattle off his "non-Governmental Organization" reply?
Why did he change the subject and not bring it up again? He had lot's of opportunity for the next hour & a half till we left.
ANNUAL MEETING ... Silverdome
by biblexaminer ini want to barf.
i was wondering when the hell samuel herd was going to shut up.. blab blab blab.... aren't we wonderful, oh we are so wonderful.. about the only thing that was said that i could see as being something which the gb would see as touchy enough to warant the multiple announcements for " no tape recorders, no video recorders and no computer note taking" would be the statement by herd that there's "going to be a lot off killing, billions will die ....in swift fashion".
and the other gb (fill in the name) who talked about being in the new world "in two hundred years".... wow.. that's leaving enough prophetic lee-way for the gb heirs to the thrones.. much emphasis was placed on the "...two roads to the new system ...the high road and the low road".
hey is sam hurd of darker complection?
Yes he is. -
by nyc_gal inthis site is not an official website of jehovah's .
i cannot believe some of the horrible things i have read here.
So good JW's wouldn't have the flag.....?
Do you think they would have the flag at an assembly?
How about a special meeting?
Turn on your tele tube today and watch the Lions game at the Pontiac Silverdome. Look up at the roof. There's a GREAT BIG US FLAG just a hang-hang-hangin there. AND IT WAS THERE YESTERDAY WHEN I WAS THERE FOR THE GB BULLSHIT SPOUTING PARTY and Sam Herd gave all his good words to us UNDERNEATH that great BIG flag.
Read your Bible missy.
ANNUAL MEETING ... Silverdome
by biblexaminer ini want to barf.
i was wondering when the hell samuel herd was going to shut up.. blab blab blab.... aren't we wonderful, oh we are so wonderful.. about the only thing that was said that i could see as being something which the gb would see as touchy enough to warant the multiple announcements for " no tape recorders, no video recorders and no computer note taking" would be the statement by herd that there's "going to be a lot off killing, billions will die ....in swift fashion".
and the other gb (fill in the name) who talked about being in the new world "in two hundred years".... wow.. that's leaving enough prophetic lee-way for the gb heirs to the thrones.. much emphasis was placed on the "...two roads to the new system ...the high road and the low road".
Sam Herd went on about the WTC disaster and how MUCH the 'luvin bro's' did for those affected.
Sam Herd:
...some of the brothers just couldn't do nothing... they had to cross the bridge and go down there and pick through the rubble and look for people
He made up a big thing... it made me want to BARF. LIAR LIAR LIAR You are a stupid LIAR Mr. Samule Herd
Can you see that jackass there, making up a bunch of BULLSHIT by twisting the facts. Was I wrong to pray for his personal and immediate judgement in his flesh?
I imagined GB eating lions emerging from the end zone, encircling his fat ass and making a tasty meal out of him and his fellow LIAR. Liar's pie those lions would have had.
I wonder if the lions could have kept his fat down.
...bx HURLING class
by MacHislopp infollowing the link given by kent,.
i have several observation to make:.
(from the link : http://www.un.org/moreinfo/ngolink/brochure.htm).
To Mac H.
I need the actual filled out forms with signatures. The UN also works within the scope of "freedom of information".
Let's get these. I want to see who signed etc... facts are like bricks. Keep putting one on top of the other and soon you have a wall. Then, when someone tries to run rough-shod over you, they hit the wall... and you know the rest.
ANNUAL MEETING ... Silverdome
by biblexaminer ini want to barf.
i was wondering when the hell samuel herd was going to shut up.. blab blab blab.... aren't we wonderful, oh we are so wonderful.. about the only thing that was said that i could see as being something which the gb would see as touchy enough to warant the multiple announcements for " no tape recorders, no video recorders and no computer note taking" would be the statement by herd that there's "going to be a lot off killing, billions will die ....in swift fashion".
and the other gb (fill in the name) who talked about being in the new world "in two hundred years".... wow.. that's leaving enough prophetic lee-way for the gb heirs to the thrones.. much emphasis was placed on the "...two roads to the new system ...the high road and the low road".
First they did the Watchtower review.
Then it was downhill from there.
From Rooter news: Today there was a "special" meeting of the Jehovah's Witnesses at the Pontiac Silverdome. Many were seen dozing off as the primary leader fellas went on about nothing...
How's that for reporting?
ANNUAL MEETING ... Silverdome
by biblexaminer ini want to barf.
i was wondering when the hell samuel herd was going to shut up.. blab blab blab.... aren't we wonderful, oh we are so wonderful.. about the only thing that was said that i could see as being something which the gb would see as touchy enough to warant the multiple announcements for " no tape recorders, no video recorders and no computer note taking" would be the statement by herd that there's "going to be a lot off killing, billions will die ....in swift fashion".
and the other gb (fill in the name) who talked about being in the new world "in two hundred years".... wow.. that's leaving enough prophetic lee-way for the gb heirs to the thrones.. much emphasis was placed on the "...two roads to the new system ...the high road and the low road".
I want to barf.
I was wondering when the hell Samuel Herd was going to shut up.
Blab blab blab.... aren't we wonderful, Oh we are so wonderful.
About the only thing that was said that I could see as being something which the GB would see as touchy enough to warant the multiple announcements for " no tape recorders, no video recorders and no computer note taking" would be the statement by Herd that
there's "going to be a lot off killing, billions will die ....in swift fashion"
And the other GB (fill in the name) who talked about being in the new world "in two hundred years".... WOW.. that's leaving enough prophetic lee-way for the GB heirs to the thrones.
Much emphasis was placed on the
"...two roads to the new system ...the high road and the low road"
The high road is "living through the Great Tribulation" but the "LOW ROAD" is dying and going through "on the underground tunnel" (the grave.
HINT HINT... 200 hundred years away and you are all going to get there 6 feet under.
I wished I was in Cancun, Barbaos.. anywhere even maybe Afganistan.
Oh... wee needed to spend all that time and dough finding out that Wilcox was re-voted in to office of Treasurer. Woopie.
I bet many were hoping to find out when the big "A" was a-cummin.
Sorry to dissappoint you... it's 200 years away... and you'all gettin there by means of a coffin.
There was not even one redeeming thing so as to make my Org luvin wife say anything but negative comments. So much HYPE... led balloon.