So Freddie, you have finally realized the error of your ways, and now are telling the truth about the WTBTS, that it's a man made, snake-oil-selling fraud!
Good work ... carry on!
a rose by any other name... is still a rose.
from the two banned pages of the finished mystery book we read.... .
the antichrist doctrine of the divine right of the clergy was the direct cause of the great war.
So Freddie, you have finally realized the error of your ways, and now are telling the truth about the WTBTS, that it's a man made, snake-oil-selling fraud!
Good work ... carry on!
here's the figures the from the other thread.. czech republic.
1992 service year report.
Don't be fooled by numbers + or -. In any case, my good buddy just got back from the Czech rep. and this is sure, they are on their heads upside down There's alot of problems there.
You see, in those parts of Europe, the "witnesses" were a far different "breed" that your North American breed. They loved and studied the Bible. When, for instance, some immigrate to the US or Canada, they find "the truth" to be a different animal than the one they lived with back home.
They come here with the Bible under their arm, and when they arrive at the Kingdong hall, an alder comes right up and takes the Bible out from under their arm and puts a Watchtower magazine in their hand.
This is the best way I can describe it.
With the move in these countries to more "organization" and organizational control (with less and less Bible) these "publishers feel alienated and disconnected. The "truth" they had come to know is replaced with another animal.
So, as the Watchtower corporation, with all it's false prophecy and baggage move in to the European countries, there's no room for the Europeans.
a rose by any other name... is still a rose.
from the two banned pages of the finished mystery book we read.... .
the antichrist doctrine of the divine right of the clergy was the direct cause of the great war.
A rose by any other name… is still a rose.
From the two banned pages of the “Finished Mystery” book we read...
The Antichrist doctrine of the Divine right of the clergy was the direct cause of the great war.(WW1) This frog has been coming out of the mouth of the Papal beast for sixteen centuries.This “frog” (an illusion to Revelation 16:13 “unclean inspired” it-1 874) , is still coming out of the mouth of another Papal like clergy type.
*** w95 5/15 16 Flashes of Light-Great and Small (Part 1) ***Have you ever heard the saying [B] “If you can’t beat ‘em, JOIN ‘EM!”
(Matthew 24:45-47) This slave could not be just one individual because he was to provide spiritual food from when the Christian congregation began at Pentecost until the Master, Jesus Christ, came to make an accounting. The facts indicate that this faithful and discreet slave class comprises all anointed Christians as a group on earth at any given time.
3 Who were included among the first members of the faithful and discreet slave class? One was the apostle Peter, who heeded Jesus’ command: “Feed my little sheep.” (John 21:17) …
4 If all the anointed [CLERGY] as a group, no matter where on earth they live, are members of the slave class, who are the [LAITY]“domestics”? They are the same anointed ones but considered from a different viewpoint—as individuals. Yes, as individuals they would be of the “slave” or they would be “domestics,” depending on whether they were dispensing spiritual food or partaking of it. To illustrate: As recorded at 2 Peter 3:15, 16, the apostle Peter makes reference to Paul’s letters. When reading them, Peter would be as one of the domestics feeding on the spiritual food provided by Paul as a representative of the slave class.
5 In this regard, the book God’s Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached stated: “As to just how the [DIVINE RIGHT OF] the faithful and discreet slave’ class existed and served down through the centuries[B] after the death of the apostles of the Master Jesus Christ, we do not have a distinct historical picture. Apparently one generation of the ‘slave’ class fed the next succeeding generation thereof.
The Watchtower and her frog sayers found out early that to control a large number of people requires some kind of earth transcending authority. So they learned by example.
over 1,440 hits in a few weeks..
Tomorrow, I am going to call Mr. Paul Hoffel again. I am going to thank him for the letter he issued after our conversation last we spoke, and then I am going to tell him this, that the Watchtower has publically made accusation against the UN.
In the letter dated October 22, 2001 from Mr. Gillies of the British branch, Mr. Gillies accuses the UN of being so lax in their security measures, that they allowed a multi-national organization (WTS) to become a registered NGO WITHOUT the proper forms being filled out. No signatures. No checks and balances. Nothing.
This should interest President George Bush's anti-terrorist task force seing that many NGOs have already been named by said force as terrorist groups.
The Watchtower also accused the UN of being so incompetent as to have failed to inform the WTS of it's rules, not just once in 1991, but in every year that followed for ten years.
Also in the WTS's public statement, the WTS accused the UN of misrepresenting the functions of the UN so that the WTS had incorrectly thought it had to become an NGO to use the library.
Finally, the WTS accused the UN of secretly changing it's rules without informing member NGOs in breach of their own policy regarding transparency.
Now, Mr. Hoffel, I give you this opportunity to respond to the Watchtower's accusations and please if you will, IN WRITING either acknowledge the accusations as true, or deny it. Any denial by your office (I will say) will be moot without the proper evidence to substantiate your response.
over 1,440 hits in a few weeks..
Until I see a form that the WTS reps signed, until is taste it and smell it's aroma, until the cows fly over the moon with it in their mouths, until Lazurus is resurrected and hands it to me on a silver platter, until George Bush comes to my house and jams it up my big fat ass, I WILL NOT BELIEVE THAT MY BROOKLYN GODS DID ANYTHING WRONG... that is I am still not a JW of course...
Well Joe, seems you are gonna be waiting longer than you will live.
i took this of
there is a lot more to read.. on 28 january 1992, the government of cuba sent its comments regarding the above-mentioned communication transmitted to it by the special rapporteur:.
"first of all, i wish to inform you that in cuba no individual or groups of individuals are persecuted or harassed for professing the religious belief of their choice, that religion is practised freely in our country and that religious texts are accessible to those who desire them.
Thanks for posting this. It made a good <B>overmycoffie</B> in the morning read.
I like all this government stuff. Yumm.
over 1,440 hits in a few weeks..
For all the sissy types who just absolutely want to cling to the Watchtower's lame defense, like a scared child grasping for mother's apron, I tell you this.
The WTS's official response, (Paul GIlles) is full of lies. Now, if the WTS society wants the world to believe different, then let them produce proof of what they have said.
The WTS says they 'didn't know'. Let them produce the documents that they have on file which, they say, will show different things than do the documents from the UN today.
They say 'the rules changed'... Then let them produce their copies of 'the rules' which are different than today's.
They say they needed NGO status to be able to access the library. The UN says BULLSHIT. Then let the WTS produce a UN document, which they MUST surely have, which says that they DID need to be an NGO to access the library.
Further, let the WTS explain the Awake articles which clearly show that they WERE AWARE of the damned rules such that they printed articles favorable of the UN, articles that they never printed before, AND NEVER WILL AGAIN.
Explain Watchtower, EXPLAIN.
after much hard work a certain person has finally got the story published through a letter to the editor in the san bernardino sun.
you will find the article in the november 28, 2001 edition of the newspaper in the "opinion" section.
note the voice of the people section.
This is exciting news. I sure hope we can keep it going till it gets some serious public attention.
a few thoughts from this mornings tower study.. .
w10-15-01 ...satan and his wicked world are against us.
enemies may falsely accuse us, even in the courts of the land.
Ahh.. we all know what Freddie is. SO just press that little lever on the top left, and you will see him and his kind spiraling down, counter-clockwise if you are in North America, followed by a fresh bowl.
try this scenario for this generation!.
didnt jesus say when you see these signs, `all taken together, coming to pass, you may know `of a surety that he is near, at the very doors.
truly i tell you, this generation {the whole multitude of people living at the same time, in a definite, given period} will not pass away till all these things taken together take place {matthew 24: 33, 34} in verse 32 jesus gives an illustration to show us how to view the signs he has given us.
You are so ..... your eyes are brown.